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After update I/O modules don’t work.


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My project work properly before yesterday on UniLogic 1_16_Rev_44 . Yesterday I update software to UniLogic 1_18_Rev_60 and firmware (I use a DOK) after. After PLC reboot and download the project on PLC I have message on the screen to update I/O modules. I confirm this and PLC is looking OK. The project work good (software) but nothing happens. I see when PLC initializing I/O modules blinking green every second. When initializing finished first three one I/O modules ( 3x UIA-0402N) blinking red rapidly and other 6 modules (UID-0808T) blinking green every second. The PLC is USP-104-B10, I/O modules are:

UIA-0402N_0  UIA-0402N_1  UIA-0402N_2


UID-0808T_3 to UID-0808T_8

Pls somebody help my. Sorry for my English.


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I have the same issue. After an upgrade from 1.13.9 to 1.18.60 the IO modules were blinking green or red.

The modules in question are: 0808T, 0808THS, UAG-XKXXXX, 0402N, 0402N, 0808T, 0808T.

During the upgrade, I have upgraded the PLC, IO units and the CPU FPGA. But not the CPU boot.

To solve the issue: The PLC is downgraded to its original state 1.13.9, including CPU FPGA and IO units. 

How can this be resolved? There are still 2 machines with older firmware, but at this moment I am not going to gamble a 3 hour down time when the upgrade is not functional. 1 machine is already upgraded to 1.18.60 which went fine, this machine contains the following IO units: UAG-XKPL,0800N,W1+616T,W1616T, 0808THS.

Thanks, Maarten

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Hi Mbb and Mdglopper,


It seems that the UID-0808T you are using has an old boot.

Because of this the O/S of this module needs to be downgraded it order for the module to work. BUT please note that the using the old UID-0808T, you cannot use the "scenarios" of this IO module.


Please do as follows:

On UniLogic 1.18.6  go to Download > OS Download > Download IO Files.

Select the IOOS_UID-0808T_V2_5

When it's done just reboot the PLC.

download io files.jpg


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I believe I am having a similar issue related to the OS and boot versions of my PLC components. I have a Unistream 15.6" HMI/PLC with the following IO configuration as shown in the image attached.

The devices indicate the following status

UAG-XK125 - Solid Green Link Light (indicating communication connection to Base)

UID-0808D - Rapid Green Blink (indicating OS Initialization)

UIA-0402N - Slow Orange Blink (Unsure what this is Indicates)

UIA-0402N - Slow Green Blink (Indicating OS Boot)


The HMI displays a Pop-up after boot reading: "Uni-IO Communication Error please check power and cable connections". I have verified all communication and power connections are correct. After multiple reboots and different OS and Boot installations loaded, the cards still give me the same status. Any help would be appreciated


Thanks, AFlanagan


Screenshot 2021-12-28 141354.png

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