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BSOD in Windows 10


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Has anyone else ever experienced a BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH while using latest version of Unilogic on Windows 10 OS? Was compiling for a download All and got BSOD "bad pool header".

I run the older version of UniLogic on a Win7pro 64 bit laptop for months and never got BSOD. Was doing test run of latest release on win 10 laptop. Can't risk an Uh Oh on my front line programming PC. Thanks for thoughts shared. dB

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  • MVP 2023

I've been using UniLogic on two different Win 10 boxes and haven't had any issues.  Yet.   Granted, they're desktops, which tend to be more stable as the video memory is separate and does not share RAM with the OS.  I always put a video card in, even if the motherboard has it on-board.

That said, my old Dell has Win 7 32 bit and I've never had a problem.  I have a sneaky feeling laptop manufacturers did not re-invent the driver wheel when Win 10 came out.  You can see when you download a driver that they just lump them all together for Win 7 and above.  

Does this happen consistently or intermittently?

This guy has some good suggestions-


Like any BSOD problem, it can be horribly elusive and can be caused by any one of several potential issues.  My research kept pointing the drivers or to bad RAM.  Are you connected via USB or Ethernet?

Joe T.

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Joe T. ,

The 0x19 BSOD has a wide variety of published causes. No way to say for certain that UniL was the trigger. It was only visible programming running at the time, background processes are  numerous. Has Avast premier antivirus (some suggest AV can cause BSOD). 

Connected via ethernet, direct cable connection, laptop static IP to the  same network as Uni15.6 panel. First compilation and download was successful (slow) made program change and subsequent compilation ended in BSOD. Just uninstalled UniL for now. Not sure I'm ready to fight that battle yet. Still have plenty of Win 7 machines around that work great. 

Side note, HP laptop was giving several (frequent) message popup's about "app" trying take control of image and sound default viewers and that windows has set them back to the "default apps".

my personal instict (before this event and after) is to avoid Windows 10 like the plague. However the day will come where it may be the only option. Would love to see UniL for Linux (also know that will never be a reality... MS is King, good bad or indifferent... still King). 

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  • MVP 2023

Hi Hot, for what it's worth before I get shuteye, have a look at this post in the Win 10 discussion.     

It is distinctly possible that the same thing has happened to your system and something's been replaced.  Nice and stable, then Msoft over-rides your "don't fiddle" settings and stuffs things up.  They can be exceptionally helpful.  *$!*    Go through it all and check that they haven't over-ridden choices and changed drivers etc.

And I am also assuming:

1 hour ago, hotwires said:

is to avoid Win 7 like the plauge

you actually meant Win 10!!  :P

cheers, and goodnight!


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  • MVP 2023

One of my client puters today flashed up, whilst I was online, that it had finished downloading the latest major update to W10 and was ready to install it.  I forget the numbers and name involved as I was so focussed on what that might mean, which was:   Bearing in mind my previous issues with driver updating being "Re-allowed" that I've mentioned elsewhere in the Win 10 topic, I immediately checked that driver updating was still not allowed and lo and behold it was turned on AGAIN.  Along with a whole host of stuff changed back from my settings.  Honestly, how can Msoft do this sort of thing?  If you give me the choice, then it should stick.   Edit...I have since checked and it is the Creators Update which will be 1703.

For reference, if you don't know how to disable driver updating, go to Control Panel/System/Advanced system settings/Hardware tab/ Device Installation Settings/click NO (you horrors!...no that isn't actually written in there...I must have added that in just now!!)

So the essence of this post is that maybe...Hots.....just maybe...your W10 has upgraded or done updates like I mentioned above, or even just the major revamp has broken something, all without you really knowing...... if you had it set for doing the update without telling you.  Check your winver details.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Latest BSOD was driver related. Highly suspect MS is self sabotaging itself via unsolicited driver updates  or other thrid party software. Could  be faulty memory or other hardware. Very ELUSIVE. Can't squarely blame it on UniLogic. uninstalled uniL and still getting them. Very low time laptop, so not much of a baseline for prior reliability. Doesn't make me want to go find another Win10 laptop and try again anytime soon though. Not that I trust anything Microsoft all that much, Win7 is fairly predictable. 

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  • 1 month later...

Recently switched to v1.21.51. Know what - it crashed when opened together with project (I mean - by clicking on project file, and waiting for it to open the UniLogic via Windows file type associations). I have yet to confirm if it is repeated or just a single event. Application as well as the project opens normally if done sequentially - 1st application, then project within it.

No BSODs however. That's why I counted it as minor glitch and didn't open a new thread...

My box is i5 laptop with Win 7 x64 onto it.

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4 hours ago, Dz! said:

Recently switched to v1.21.51. Know what - it crashed when opened together with project (I mean - by clicking on project file, and waiting for it to open the UniLogic via Windows file type associations). I have yet to confirm if it is repeated or just a single event. Application as well as the project opens normally if done sequentially - 1st application, then project within it.

No BSODs however. That's why I counted it as minor glitch and didn't open a new thread...

My box is i5 laptop with Win 7 x64 onto it.

Try again. I'm not aware of any issue like that, and I'm regularly opening projects with double click. 

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Anyone here is using a Windows 10 Fall Creators update?

If so, has anyone tried connecting the PLC with USB to PC and when power-up the PLC?


Since yesterday, I'm having a strange BSOD when the PLC starts, or when the PLC is updating the OS. This is not a one time crash, and it happens on each time.



Anyone else is having the same issue? (I'm wondering is something for screwed in my Windows, or Microsoft screwed something).

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  • MVP 2023

HI Saragini,

You are way more knowledgable than me on this stuff, but just wondering whether your problems might be the "Msoft again taking charge of driver updating" ones that have beset me in the past, and they have suddenly changed a driver to one that doesn't work correctly.  I routinely find my choice of "NO" button under Control Panel/System/Advanced system settings/Hardware tab/ Device Installation Settings is changed to Yes, which then allows them to change drivers that worked ok, to ones that don't.  It might be worth checking this out, perhaps even via a restore point if possible.  Edit:  or perhaps even just simply rolling back the port driver as an initial trial?



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