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V700 - Trend disappearing

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Hi, I have a V700 that has few trends on display. Randomly the trends goes black and the line  disappears, and you cant see anything. If I press the "M" button the trend line that  disappear is back.

Its is very annoying because we need to see the trend and we have to log on to the V700 and press the "M" button to see it.

 Any idea why this happens? 

See attachment. 



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  • 1 month later...
  • MVP 2023
3 minutes ago, Arnor said:

Can you please approve this post dear moderator

I think this post was approved back in February.

Regarding your problem, as I'm sure you know, the "M" button toggles between online and history mode. Are you saying the trend line disappears but when you toggle the "M" button twice that data that wasn't there before suddenly appears? If so, I've never seen that before. Someone is probably going to have to look at your program to diagnose. You may need to send it to Unitronics Support.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello Arnor!

Do you observe this behavior directly on display of PLC or via the Remote Operator? I have the same problem with V1040 when connecting via Remote Operator. Please see my post in the Remote Operator section (trend object only partly visible).
I hope we will find the solution.


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  • 4 weeks later...
On 4/5/2018 at 5:12 PM, Flex727 said:

I think this post was approved back in February.

Regarding your problem, as I'm sure you know, the "M" button toggles between online and history mode. Are you saying the trend line disappears but when you toggle the "M" button twice that data that wasn't there before suddenly appears? If so, I've never seen that before. Someone is probably going to have to look at your program to diagnose. You may need to send it to Unitronics Support.

Hi Flex, Yes this is exactly what happens. I can see the data when I press the "M" button. I am not sure if this is doing something with the memory of the trend, but I am not saving data to the SD card. 

On 4/27/2018 at 8:10 PM, stembera said:

Hello Arnor!

Do you observe this behavior directly on display of PLC or via the Remote Operator? I have the same problem with V1040 when connecting via Remote Operator. Please see my post in the Remote Operator section (trend object only partly visible).
I hope we will find the solution.



Hi Michal!

I am using Remote Operator but I have not checked if this is also in the PLC display too, will do that next time. But thank you for linking your post.  I am going to test the Remote Access program and see if it changes anything. 





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  • MVP 2023

For Michal and Arnor, another unlikely possibility for you to consider.

Quite by accident I discovered that my A/V program has placed some Unitronics programs into the "I don't fully trust this program" areas of it's firewall.  It has never upset my comms at all, so I am not changing it, but just wondering if your issues might be somehow related to what your A/V has done in regards to Rem Op.



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  • 5 months later...
  • MVP 2023

Before I found this post I followed up on a private message with Arnor & Stembera, suggesting how to go about contacting support about this issue.

We'll wait and see what happens, unless someone has some fresh thoughts on why it occurs.  Edit  As it is happening at the plc and not just during remote work, it is likely a bug.   I incorrectly interpreted the photos in the message.....had what they were back to front.   Bug is in RO.

cheers, Aus

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3 hours ago, Saragani said:

Unless I have a specific scenario how to reproduce the problem, then I can't fix it in Remote Operator.

I can give you the program if you want, or remote access. If that helps.

I know that if I press the "M" button I can see the rest of the graph.

I know that the problem is on multiply computers, even with fresh install of remote operator, the lines disappear exactly same between computers. 

Using remote on Visilogic does not show this problem. See pictures:



Remote Operator.PNG


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OK @Arnor, please give me the program, and I'll try to reproduce it.

It's weird that the problem does not reproduce in VisiLogic, since both are based on the same code. I wrote most of the code of enhanced PLCs Remote Access in VisiLogic, and most of the code of Remote Operator, so I'm familiar with it, and can't understand how something like this can happen. 


You can send the project to support@unitronics.com, and ask them to forward it to me.

Also instruct me to which screen to enter, or what to do in order to reproduce the problem.


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  • MVP 2023

A great solution to the issue. 

Saragani, is this dll used by Remote Access?  After correctly applying the new dll, Remote Access screens now transition to the next screen completely OK on a 120 connected via unican from a 130.  Previously when shifting screens there would be a "broken up" sort of image that appeared to be the program "building" the new screen, where part of the screen was the new one and part was the old.  It would clear up to the new screen after a few seconds.  I always put this down to a bandwidth/speed issue.....but perhaps it has also been cured?

cheers, Aus

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16 hours ago, Ausman said:

A great solution to the issue. 

Saragani, is this dll used by Remote Access?  After correctly applying the new dll, Remote Access screens now transition to the next screen completely OK on a 120 connected via unican from a 130.  Previously when shifting screens there would be a "broken up" sort of image that appeared to be the program "building" the new screen, where part of the screen was the new one and part was the old.  It would clear up to the new screen after a few seconds.  I always put this down to a bandwidth/speed issue.....but perhaps it has also been cured?

cheers, Aus

No, it is being used by Remote Operator only, and it fixes just the trend issue.

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