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Samba SM43 control via iOS App WLAN


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Dear colleagues, 

i need some support concerning the remote control with an iPhone. My connection is not really stable. I connect the iPhone and after 10-60 seconds the connection fail and I cannot connect to the PLC anymore. So I have to disconnect to the WLAN connection and connect ones more and then it goes, but again only 10-60 seconds. So the question is whether it is an iPhone problem or a general problem with the connection. Or do i have to change the router adjustments? Another oddness is that it is only possible to connect if the IP adress is and this is the same as the router ones. it is a riddle to me how this works. 

Maybe I need an iOS update? 

I am thankful for every guess.

Best regards



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  • MVP 2023

Glad you figured it out.  I've never made a mistake like that.  :o

BTW, posting pictures of function blocks that contain information with out posting the corresponding dialog boxes does not count as posting your program.  

For you other readers out there, if you upload your .vlp file we can take a look inside things like the TCP/IP CARD INIT block and be much more helpful in solving the problem.

Joe T.

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