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Trying to communicate with Victron Colour Control with Modbus TCP and a V700 PLC. The V700 is a Master, and the Victron is slave. Tried the communication with a Modbus Poll program now, and I get to communicate with the Victron. Seems like it is some spesial things with the V700 model. But now I tried so many different setups, that I'm lost :-) Anyone have som god examples for communicating with a Modbus slave on port 502?


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  • MVP 2014

The status information is accessed using a ladder function in the V700.  From the help file:



Certain Ethernet system operands are not relevant for the V700. The function of some system operands are replaced by a communication function located under the COM>TCP/IP menu, called V700: Read Socket Status.

The V700: Read Socket Status function checks the status of the selected socket according to the specified Socket Status requested, then saves the status indication into the linked operand.


I found this topic by searching "v700 ethernet" in the help.


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  • MVP 2023

@swb311, the V700 PLC has a different ethernet module than the other Vision PLCs. Because of that, some of the system operands are not valid. Instead, there are ladder functions available to replace those system operands. As Simon mentioned, this all very well documented in the Help file.

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