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Visilogic to Save connection type/details


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  • MVP 2023

I have asked for this in the past, but was reminded of the problem when I was recently on a site with just my laptop doing many different connections.  I can't do my normal multiple Visilogic instances on this laptop.  It sent me absolutely nuts having to constantly change the connection settings box as I closed/opened different programs to chop and change b/n plcs. 

Can we please have each program save the connection type it is being made for, as part of the normal save process.  As in, open it and the connection is already set for ID4 or Direct etc.  As well, often the connection box wouldn't display all types...just direct.  Only a full close and restart cures this.  Again, have mentioned this in the past along with strange character resizing as well.

Lastly, I have also asked for a check of program name during the first stages of connecting, to ensure things match up.

Please please please.



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This feature is not only annoying but it can also bring a fun to our lives. 
A year ago I finished work on some project connected through TCP/IP and I opened another one. Unfortunately, I forgot that the connection is not saved with project so when I started to watch process online, I saw very strange things.  I was connected to the PLC which was not located in my office but in another country :) .

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  • MVP 2023
4 hours ago, stembera said:

I saw very strange things.

Yeah Michal...it makes you look again, doesn't it!!

It is very easy to jump to terribly wrong conclusions thinking your PLC has gone astray, when in fact it is something else entirely.

It's the sort of "fun" I can mostly do without.



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I've burned myself on this this kid of "fun" more than once......

I'll be working on a project at my desk, and do a download intended for the serial connection to the project on the bench (and having forgot that I was online via I/P to a machine out in the plant earlier in the day), I inadvertently send the download to a running machine causing an interruption on the plant floor.......

A little quick thinking when I realize what happened, make a quick download of the correct program back into the machine and get it back running.....

Make embarrassing apologies to those who understand by blunder, and tell those who don't that the machine just "glitched"........

All in a days work, :-)


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In my case it's not so much how it was saved, but rather a result of something I've done.......

If I have a project open that I'm working on, saved as serial connection, then a some point I change the comms to I/P and go online with a different PLC and use Remote Access to look at something (and that's the caveat, you can do that because Unitronics doesn't compare the online to offline), then I go offline and back to my project, and then later forget I changed comms......


It's an "old-timers" thing, forgetfulness.........   :-)


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  • MVP 2023
8 hours ago, Flex727 said:

Both the connection type and the project settings are always saved

Doesn't happen for me, Flex.  The connections available are listed in the Communication/PC Settings correctly, but the program defaults into Direct Connection on the last one used, not necessarily the one in use at the time of the save.

The main problem is if you are working with something on a bus.  The system does NOT remember which ID your program is meant to talk to, and does NOT check that program names match.  So you might be wanting to connect to ID 9 on Canbus yet the system will open into Direct Connection all the time.  If you are chopping and changing b/n ID numbers, and you don't have multiple instances implemented like explained at the link below (read it all) then it is very annoying and very easily missed.    Multiple instances works, but it needs desktop area. Saving connection type and checking program name matching would be far better.  It is exceptionally easy to forget to change things and connect to the wrong plc.




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  • MVP 2023
4 hours ago, JohnR said:

It's an "old-timers" thing, forgetfulness.........   :-)

Well...not really.  I see it as a fault of the program that I don't think would be hard to fix.  And I'm actually a little bit grumpy about it, given I've raised it before and since seen other far more complex suggestions taken on board.



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  • 2 years later...
  • MVP 2023


Original first sentence......I'm giving this a bump because this morning I again got caught out with this issue doing something to a plc that is ID = 2 (CANbus}.

I first wrote a repeat of the request, and then after posting it checked out some things that popped into the head afterwards.  You all likely know how that sort of thinking can happen.

The crux is that the facility does exist and has been under my nose for ages.  It's under Project/Properties/Download and having all the boxes ticked at the bottom.

This is likely why the issue doesn't happen to Flex, he had them ticked.

As usual....learn something new every day.  😣

cheers, Aus

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