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Project Name / Version Number As A Field

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Just wondering if anyone out there has devised a method for displaying the project name/version number within a field on the HMI?

I know you can view through the info screen but it would be neater to display within a field on a project screen. I am looking for an instant way to see which revision of a project the controller is running which references the .vlp filename.  I always tag on the end of mine _VX.X

Thanks in advance


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  • 9 months later...

Is there any update on this? We are the customer mentioned above.

The fact that you can see the file name via the info mode, means that the PLC has the ability to read the name and it stores that information somewhere.

I was told by support that I should create a field and manually type in a version which defeats the purpose of this request. If a customer's internal memory battery dies (which happens too often on the V130s and that has been brought up as well) this input is lost and the file name would be the best method of keeping track of which version of code a user has.



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  • MVP 2023
3 minutes ago, dan_lorentz said:

If a customer's internal memory battery dies (which happens too often on the V130s and that has been brought up as well) this input is lost

It would be lost either way. Reading the filename from the field in INFO Mode onto the HMI screen does not solve the problem you present.

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