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I am having issues trying to run the live update tool in VisiLogic to update a PLC's operating system. When I check for updates for the operating system I get the error message attached (Error Code 176). I have a perfectly fine internet connection at the time the live update tool is ran. This problem occurs in VisiLogic 9.5.0.

Live Update Error.JPG

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The software I am working on was developed in a old version of VisiLogic, when I tried to open it in a newer version than 9.5.0 it made a mess of the conversion, connection lines in the wrong places, no contact orientation on some contacts etc.

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  • MVP 2023
1 hour ago, Danny said:

when I tried to open it in a newer version than 9.5.0 it made a mess of the conversion, connection lines in the wrong places, no contact orientation on some contacts etc.

I have 11 different versions of VisiLogic installed on my computer. This is because I refuse to update the firmware on a working PLC (unless absolutely necessary) and want to use the original VisiLogic version whenever I need to edit or update an old PLC program. However, I very frequently open an older program in whatever version I happen to be using (lately 9.8.65) just to check something or remind me how I solved some logic problem previously. I have NEVER seen any problem like what you describe. Something else is wrong with the project file.

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