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Wifi access to Vision PLC

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  • MVP 2023

Perhaps someone can recommend a product to me. I need to be able to send a wifi signal from a Vision PLC (with Ethernet) to a laptop to run Remote Operator. The wifi access point or router needs to be able to run on 24v, same as the PLC. Anyone used such a beast before?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Choose the network connection you wish to . Right click on it, select "Properties," and go to the "Sharing" tab. Check the option "Allow other network users to connect through this computer's Internet connection." This time, select the WIFI hotspot you created earlier.

Direct Connection: PC-Controller

Accessing a Networked Controller

Accessing a Controller via Modem

With the help of above you can easily work on your system.

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  • 2 years later...

This is SCADA project. Data are read from SM35 samba using Modbus TCP driver. All works fine, except that the cables are constant issue - often there are connectivity issues due to the dusty environment. I would like to read the data through WIFI. So the topology is SCADA server - company WIFI - mAP - SM35.

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You'll have to move the Wi-Fi from the switch to the WAN and take the Ethernet port currently being utilized as the WAN and put it in the LAN.

Look under quick set there should be an option to do everything you need under that tab.  We don't typically set them up that way so I'm not sure of all the settings.  Send me  PM if you need more info as it's not really Unitroincs item.   Alternatively you could use the new UCR to do the same job.  :) 

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CAM, thank you very much for your prompt reply! I tried with the quick set (though it is not recommended indeed), well, I did not manage to make it work, but let me play a bit to see what outcome will get. And yes, you are right, it is not really Unitronics item , I would rather use PM if necessary, once again thank you. 

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