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Hi everyone,

we are writing because we are jammed on a problem that we have with our Vision700 + V200-18-E6B snap-in I/O module.

The fact is the following:

we setted up hardware as following:

AN0 = 0-10V output with MI0 variable

AN1 = 4-20 mA output with MI1 variable

On ladder we provide linearizzation for 0-10 V from 0 to 4095 bit and for 4-20 mA from 814 to 4095bit.

when all wiring is setted up following the scheme reported on the manual we measure right voltage (that is generated by using a text box on HMI in which we put bit value), but for current output we measure alsways a minimum value of 15mA.

we double check connection and we also tryed to switch channel but the results are always the same.

Do you have any suggestions?

we attach vlp file for your comments.

Thank you for you kind attention






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You need to have a 24v supply on 0 and V2.

The program you attached has 0 to 4095 for the 4-20ma out.

You may need to change this to 819-4095

Check the actual output with a meter and be careful to common all the 0v.





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Hi Sgull, thank you for your reply.

I connect power following the scheme on manual as per your indication and 0V is common for all channels. Moreover power used for channel is the same used to power up V700.

I already tried to scale the signal to 819 - 4095, but minimum current coming out it is always 15 mA. Could it be that snap-in module has problems?


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On the V200-18-E6B, there are       2        Places to Supply 24 VDC  to the Snap On Module.

They have different purposes also.

Check the Spec Sheet - Page  4   and Page  7

          0   and V1   at the Lower end of the connector are for the Outputs

         0  and V2  at the Upper End of the Connector are for the Analog's   <<<<<<<<

Which are you using?   Check it out.

You Linearization and Analog Output Settings are OK.







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Is the  Snap On Module properly seated on the back of the V700? 

What is the load you are using?

Have you tried to loop the Analog outputs into the Analog inputs for testing?

I do not have a V200-18-E6B to test with, but I  took your program and checked your nets on a V570/E3XB  setup.

Program attached  -- modify the hardware for your setup.




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