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Hello,I work with the SM-J-T20 PLC, and I measure with an electronic card the voltage on an analog input (0-10V) of my PLC. the problem is  there are a parasites which causes a quick variation of the value read by the PLC, I already tried to solve this problem by the analog filter,  but nothing has changed. Can you helps me please ? 
Thank you in advance.

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On 8/20/2018 at 11:35 PM, Joe Tauser said:

If it is really bad I've been known to hang an electrolytic capacitor between the analog input and 0V.  I'm not kidding.  Something like 10 uF @ 25V.

Joe T.

Seriously, Try what Joe said. I was taught that by someone else. It can save you hours of pulling out your hair.

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