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So I am completely new to PLCs and HMI, but I am engineer, so I think I should be able to figure this out.  So either I have completely missed something or the snap in I/O I bought is not good.

I am using 570 with V200-18-E3XB.  All I want to do it put a analog voltage out to V0 and read it on my volt meter.  

I would post the 3 lines of codeI have, but don't know how.  So I have AO 0 as 0-10V with tag MI0 on the snap in setup.  I then linearize a 0-10000 scale to 0-4095 bits and label this as MI0.  On the HMI i have output bit and voltage scaled and displayed correctly, but then there is nothing actually at AO0 and AO com.  Shouldn't I have voltage here.  hopefully I missed something and this snap in is not broken.




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first off, I didn't have any power to the snap I/o, so that is problem #1.  I haven't switched any jumpers, are these the ones located on the back of the V570?


Many thanks for the first simple fix of not having any power to it.  I bought this used, or not in a box, so no manual and this is my first time using any PLC.





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  • MVP 2023

GenX, you need to have a good look at this page:  https://unitronicsplc.com/support-technical-library/

The information you need is provided by the manufacturer on their website in the form of manuals for everything you possess.  How to install, how to use etc etc. 

Get all the info for your devices and read them completely before doing anything more.

cheers, Aus

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