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Sleep screen


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Can someone show me an example of code that causes the plc to go into sleep after 30 seconds and Kinda go into a idle screen. Only stuff I see examples on is in visilogic

but can someone help me out and do it in   unilogic? I'm sure it is simple but I am very new to this.

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You may want to make an action to jump to another screen and then when  the screen is touched jump back to the last display.   This way no buttons you have on the screen are activated when filming out of sleep mode.

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  • MVP 2023
5 minutes ago, Cam said:

You may want to make an action to jump to another screen and then when  the screen is touched jump back to the last display.   This way no buttons you have on the screen are activated when filming out of sleep mode.

This is good advice.

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