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Hi all

Is there any way to turn off the information mode, be really handy to set/reset SB to do this because if you use remote operator and click the mouse too long V570 goes into info mode which is not supported remotely anyway.


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  • 1 month later...
  • MVP 2014

From one of Ofir's posts in the old forum:

if you want to disable the Info key in jazz you can set SI 178 to zero.(default is 3)

When using M91/Jazz controllers you can set Info password on the System menu only and this password related to SI179.

Note that when you enter new password to SI179 you will not able to see it via the U90ladder and the value of SI179 will allways shows 0.

These operands are not tagged in U90 Ladder with any description.

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  • 6 years later...

Il serait bien pratique de pouvoir basculer ce SB31 à 0 pour supprimer le mode "info mode" surtout quand il est bloqué en "info mode" à distance.

Ce serait bien de pouvoir l'intégrer cette possibilité dans une future version soft .

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