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Connect Samba SM43-J-T20 to Wlan

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Hello everybody,

in our project we want to connect our PLC ( SM43-J-T20 ) to the internet trough wlan connection.

Do you have any suggestions on how to implement this?  Do we need to buy and add the ethernet port and connect the PLC through ethernet to a wifi access point? Or is it possible to use the RS232 and a Comport to wifi module or something similar?

My first idea was to use a mini USB to USB adapter and a common USB-Wifi-Module/Stick.

Thanks for your ideas and best regards



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  • MVP 2023

You'll need the Ethernet port.  If you have a router visible from the outside Internet you'll need to port forward port 20256 in the router to the IP address of the Samba.

The USB port is for programming only.  It's doesn't have the capability to be a master and drive an external device such as a WiFi stick.

Joe T.

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