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JZ10-11-T40 communication problem with PC

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Hello, i'm trying to communicate old JZ10-11-T40 with my PC, but can't do it properly.

What did i do:

1. Installed driver USB-to-serial

2. Installed USB driver from U90 ladder

3. Turned ON PLC

4. Got connection from PLC to PC through this chain

MJ-20PRG > MJ20-CB200 > MJ10-22-CS10 > USB-to-serial adapter

When i'm trying to get PLC version - i get nothing


This error appears all the time, but the interesting thing is next:

When i try to get version - it is trying to synchronize COM ports and then this error above appears

When i press Stop - i see PLC in stop mode, but then this error appears anyway

When i press Run - i see PLC goes from stop to run mode, but this error appears anyway

I was trying this on windows XP, windows 7 and windows 10 and got the same results

U90 ladder version is the latest - 6.6.45 [DB 109]

Any suggestions about that? I think it sends some commands, but can't receive any data, so is that a problem with MJ20-CB200 cable?

Also i have JZ10-11-R10, switched hardware configuration correctly and get same results as JZ10-11-T40


02.03.20 09:03:42.32    : < 3,9600,E,7,1> 3, 9600, 7, Even, 1, 3, 1000 > Retransmitting
02.03.20 09:03:43.32 < 3,9600,E,7,1>  > Switching Com Port
02.03.20 09:03:43.32 < 3,9600,E,7,1>  > Synchronizing Com Ports


02.03.20 09:04:10.32    : < 3,19200,E,7,1> 3, 19200, 7, Even, 1, 3, 1000 > Retransmitting
02.03.20 09:04:11.32 < 3,19200,E,7,1>  > Switching Com Port
02.03.20 09:04:11.32 < 3,19200,E,7,1>  > Synchronizing Com Ports
02.03.20 09:04:12.32 < 3,9600,E,7,1>  > Retrieving OPLC Default Settings


This is information from log file, was also trying to change default settings

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  • MVP 2023

Please read this


You can see that jazz PRG use pin 1 and 6 for PWR.  

Maybe USB-to-serial adapter do not offer correct power supply to Jazz PRG.  

The connection may start and disappear due to insufficient power to the adapter.
USB-to-serial adapter usually uses a low power converter based on the capacitors to generate output signals, so it may not be able to power the Jazz PRG programmer.

Please see this and use more pin connected to PWR line 


or try to power Jazz PRG by separate power (please read Jazz PRG manual). Try to use +5V separate power supply connected to - to GND  and + to PWR.


P.S. You can test Jazz PRG on puter with hardware RS232 port. 


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  • MVP 2023

Further to Kratmel's great answer which I would pursue first, what brand is your USB to Serial adapter?  There are many out there that use fake chips, and they do not work properly.  This has been discussed at length on the forum if you have a hunt around. 

Until you first encounter the issues they create you haven't experienced the joy of banging your head against a brick wall, trying to figure out why the &*!## connection still  doesn't work.  !

cheers, Aus

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  • MVP 2023

It is one more testing method for your USB-to-serial adapter.

Please download terminal program (like hercules ect...).

Plug USB-to-serial adapter to USB port and temporary connect 2 to 3  pin together.
If you send some characters from terminal you will recieve it back if this adapter is operational.
Then you can test wires that go to Jazz PRG at the same way.
(connect RX + TX line together by wire without Jazz PRG).


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Hello and thank you everyone for answers

That is true, im using wrong usb to serial adapter, i saw someone used CH-340 so i decided to buy some random cable with the same driver, but mine was without power on pins 1 and 6. 

I found old pc with com port and communication works fine

Ok, we learned, thank you again

Pavel M

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