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  • MVP 2023

I can't immediately find the specifications for limits, but the easy way to check is to use Hardware Configuration.  Simply load up all the I/Os you want to use, and at the bottom of the window is the report on the capacity used.  But I do recall some issues with this report in the past.

Can someone also please remind me where the specs are squirrelled away!

cheers, Aus

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  • MVP 2023

You need to go into CANbus land using EX-RC1s for this one, even if it's in the same panel.  Each EX-RC1 can support 8 modules.

I just did a test configuration with 8 IO-AI8s, which will give you 64 inputs per drop.  You can have up to 59 EX-RC1s talking to one master, although I've never personally done more than 4.

Joe T.

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