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We have one unitronics V570 PLC/HMI unit, getting issue with communication, actually we've not tried before anytime this kind of communication because it's used RJ11 port for download upload procedure and my laptop support USB port, and also we have one MJ10-22-cs25 with RJ11 cable but we've no idea about communication. I've configured baudrate and com port setting in my laptop as per PLC configuration but still we did nt get idea. please tell me the procedure and proper solution for this.


Shaktisinh Dabhi

Application Engineer

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On 12/17/2020 at 5:16 PM, Flex727 said:

Once you have VisiLogic installed and running, open up the Help file and go to the Contents tab, then Getting Started, then Downloading/Uploading a Project and read that section. If you have questions, we'll help.

I installed USB driver on PLC V570 and after connecting PLC  on USB it cn not recognized 



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  • MVP 2023

Do you try to open device manager and check com ports  with plug unplug V570 USB ?



Sometimes for USB connection users use power cable for mobile chargers. There are no usb wires in this type of cables - only power +- present.

Please check it by replace to another one. 


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