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Data Table column width to be saved

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  • MVP 2023

Hi all, a request to the creators for Data Table saves in Visilogic to remember column widths.

For years I've put up with them shifting back to a fixed width on each opening.  At present I'm working with long streams and it is very annoying having to resize the columns each time to see everything.  I know it's only a minor point, but it's one of those "minor points" that really annoys after a while when it shouldn't happen in the first place, and is likely easily fixed.

@Cara Bereck Levy please bring this to someone's attention.  Unless, of course, I've missed some existing crucial tickbox setting somewhere that can already make it happen, and then you can berate me.  If it does need Visilogic changing, wondering if it could be released as a few dlls modified etc, instead of simply going into the latest version.

cheers, Aus

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  • MVP 2023
14 hours ago, Ausman said:

Hi all, a request to the creators for Data Table saves in Visilogic to remember column widths.


Of course there are perhaps dozens of settings that should be saved by project in VisiLogic but aren't. And why doesn't VisiLogic pre-fill the file name when doing a Save-As, like every single other Windows program in the world?

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