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New computer - VisiLogic won't install

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On 8/26/2021 at 9:29 PM, viscoelastic said:

I am not sure where visilogic stores the temporary install files, but I would try to find that, and delete what's there.  Also look in HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\ and see if there are any remains left there that you can get rid of. 

Hi all,

I will tell my short story about registry editing:

I did Registry edit at big Network Management System (not for the first time), but this time I failed into big problem - Microsoft Server being just "bricked".

- The bad - "bricked" Server.

- The good - I remember at what hive I did edit, and there were number of similar Network Management Systems at lab.

So I did copy of the same hive from one of working Network Management Systems to this one, used one of available at Internet tools to boot computer from CD and import hive I killed.

Required number of reboots to fix some things - and my salary bonus stay with me.

Lets suppose what happens if only one computer exists with this configuration.


So Registry editing is so simple...

And you should decide if you do it or not.

Happy Registry editing!


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