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modbus simulator for Unitronics

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18 hours ago, Flex727 said:

Seu simulador tem a opção de ser mestre ou escravo?

Que tipo de MODBUS você está usando?

I'm using modbus serial rtu.
I have modbus that simulates slave, but it doesn't work.
I wanted to use Vision 130 as a master in tests with VDF

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14 hours ago, Gabriel Franco said:

Você precisa adicionar este programa ao PLC (no caso de Modbus TCP):



14 hours ago, Flex727 said:

@Gabriel Franco, eu sempre apenas penduro meu MODBUS IP SCAN_EX FB diretamente no trilho esquerdo. Por que você inclui SB 2? Você está esperando que a primeira varredura do PLC cause um problema?



13 hours ago, Flex727 said:




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  • MVP 2023

Too true, missed that.  As I don't change IPs at any time, I was wondering whether it needed to be "redone" after a change, and maybe there were address changes happening elsewhere in the program which made it necessary.  Just curious.

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On 7/15/2022 at 6:35 PM, Ausman said:

Gabriel, this is only minor, but I'm intrigued why you activate SB168 in the ladder itself, rather than simply setting it on powerup?

cheers, Aus

Its the way to remember to myself and to my coleagues that its madatory to set it in all programs using Ethernet.

I set all requiered power up values in ladder rather than Visilogic option.

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