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Keyboard shortcuts for "Lock Elements" and "Zoom"

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  • MVP 2023

It happens too often that I am online with a customer's PLC using TeamViewer and their screen resolution does not allow me to access the "Lock Elements"  and "Zoom"  functions on the center toolbar. I cannot find any menu option nor keyboard shortcut to allow me to change those properties if I cannot access them from the toolbar. Anyone know an answer?

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  • MVP 2023

I hardly ever use Tviewer these days, I've set up various Tiger configs.  However, I thought there was a screen resolution selection available at your end, Flex.  Which might be what Gabriel is meaning anyway...I have wrong terminology?

And in case you're asking, Tiger doesn't innately do file transfers, so I do it through having a special email set up on the client computer, and move things around using drafts. This is rarely needed, but is there.   I could never come at Tview's exorbitant pricing for the few times I need it, and this works fine.

cheers, Aus

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