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I/O bus error [code 2]

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Hi all,

I shared with one of my business partner, that doesn't has UNILOGIC IDE, the files to update the firmware and the program in a USP-070-x10/x08; all works fine but i have some problem with the I/O; attached some pictures of the PLC status .

there is something that I am missing or my prtner has to install UNILOGIC IDE and do the I/O update by specific option in the "download" menu?







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hi Kratmel,

as in the picture that I post before I am using the unilogic 1.34...and the I/O module are quite new...I upload the I/O firmware by the unilogic and reboot the PLC but still have the same problem; i send a mail to support with the unilog file...hope that they will help me.


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hi All,

just an update...i mailing to support that suggest to update at the release 1.35 (for security reason)...I did but nothing change...than I start to do the investigation...at the end all modules was costantly in the "boot" step...so..after a "deep" check we discovered a wrong wiring that I think make crazy the I/O bus....now the system seems works properly...and most important seems not damaged!


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  • MVP 2023
5 hours ago, ORSO2001 said:

a wrong wiring

Sooo annoying, but so easy to do and miss in checks. 

My method after years of doing this is an excel sheet that lists all the I/O and other connection types, locations, cable colour and ID number, and is changed to background of green by screen, or physical mark on a printed version,  on final check before power up.  Including checking connection direction of clamping diodes if not using back to back types.  And...even then I've been occasionally caught out by unlabelled terminals where you're looking at a printed description on the body some way from the terminal, particularly in cramped locations.  Count terminals along from the end but still make an error....poop.  Double checking is a must.

cheers, Aus

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