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Battery died, parameters lost - how to recover?

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in our machine we have V1210 PLC.

Probably because of the battery died, the parameters from the program got lost.

The company that manufactured the machine is not working anymore.

If we tried to get the program, it asked for password. We don't know the password.

How do we get the parameters back up to make the machine running again?

Thank you.

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  • MVP 2023

You are likely in big trouble. I'm assuming from what you are saying that with a new battery the 1210 is running it's program, but variable parameters crucial to operations, that you can't enter/edit via screens have been lost.

My first suggestion would be to search across all computers in your organisation to see if you have a *.vlp file anywhere.  This is the program in the 1210 and may  have been originally supplied to you, but I doubt it.  Also, is there an SD card in the 1210?  If so, what files are on it?

6 hours ago, Ondrej Fedorcak said:

The company that manufactured the machine is not working anymore.

Can't even find any old employees of the company who would know?  Other firms in your line of business using the same machine might know?

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11 hours ago, Ausman said:

You are likely in big trouble. I'm assuming from what you are saying that with a new battery the 1210 is running it's program, but variable parameters crucial to operations, that you can't enter/edit via screens have been lost.

My first suggestion would be to search across all computers in your organisation to see if you have a *.vlp file anywhere.  This is the program in the 1210 and may  have been originally supplied to you, but I doubt it.  Also, is there an SD card in the 1210?  If so, what files are on it?

Can't even find any old employees of the company who would know?  Other firms in your line of business using the same machine might know?

the *.vlp file is in the controller only. Without the password, we are not able to do anything with it. Without the variable parameters set right the machine don't work. There is no SD card in the controller. The manufacturer of the machine was from different country, and didn't supply any backup with the machine. We are not able to contact them anymore.

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  • MVP 2023

It might be worth trying to see if the filename, machine model no, or manufacturer name is the password.  I've seen this very occasionally on some machines.   Seems dumb but in some ways is clever.  Is info mode accessible and not passworded?  If you can get into Info, you can find the project's name to then try.

How complex is the machine?  If it is not too sophisticated you are likely much better off finding a local programmer to look at what you need and redo the program for you, with tweaks you know would be useful after having it for a while.  If very complex I'd still be trying to source the original project somehow.

cheers, Aus

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • MVP 2023
1 hour ago, Ondrej Fedorcak said:

can you confirm, that when the battery dies, the variable parameters got lost? - does this happen every time?

Yes, operand values are lost when the battery dies and mains power is removed. Keep the PLC powered up and the battery is irrelevant. There is a system operand that warns when the battery is low.

To replace the battery in a V1210, simply open the battery door on the back, pop out the old battery, and pop in a new one (CR2450). No need to shut down the PLC.

It is also possible to save the operands on an SD card if the PLC program has been set up to allow that. There are also other programming techniques to retain specific operand values.

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2 hours ago, Ondrej Fedorcak said:


Is there any other way, how the parameters can get lost from the machine besides the battery?


Electrical noise also can cause it. I´ve had a couple of machines suddenly loosing all or some parameters and only after doing proper electrical isolation did solve the problem.

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  • MVP 2023
15 minutes ago, Gabriel Franco said:

Electrical noise also can cause it. I´ve had a couple of machines suddenly loosing all or some parameters and only after doing proper electrical isolation did solve the problem.

I've experienced this as well.

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  • 4 weeks later...

It is not very difficult to connect to the PLC and download the program to it (from Unitronics' perspective, download is from the PC to the PLC). You must have a USB mini B cable or serial cable and a USB-RS232 converter. But downloading the program doen´t load values to the parameters, as Flex mentioned. Parameters are saved in a separate file (txt or bop file) only if someone did it intentionally.

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  • MVP 2023
17 hours ago, Ondrej Fedorcak said:

Is it possible remotely?

Highly likely.  However....

I think a repeat of a previous mention is needed here.  How complex is the machine?  How many parameters? What did the parameters do?  How were they entered?  Via screen?  Optimised by machine usage itself from basic starting amounts?.......but the answer is likely "no" given you had trouble due to battery die.  Entered by being online with Visilogic?  

These things are important.  You might be chasing your tail for no real reason if it is all fairly simple.

cheers, Aus

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  • 3 weeks later...

The machine is very simple, it rewinds plastic films.

It has one electric motor, one pressure sensor, one speed sensor and one friction break.

On the screen you can set up only the desired speed and film tension.

The machine automatically accelerate to the speed and keeps the right tension. 

I assume, the parameters lost are some calculations that re-calculate signal from the sensors and tells the break how much to break and the motor how fast to go... Because the other buttons like light ON/OFF do work. 

Thank you


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