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Posts posted by Flex727

  1. It's very important to provide some basic information in order to receive advice that has a real chance of solving your problem:

    -Which version of VisiLogic?

    -What operating system?

    -Does it also do this when you approach it from a different direction (such as right click on an operand in the ladder and select Find...)?

    -Has it being doing this all along, or is it a new development?


    That said, did you install VisiLogic as an Administrator? Are you starting VisiLogic from a shortcut that runs the application as an administrator?

  2. On 12/2/2016 at 11:11 PM, hotwires said:

    P.S. Some kind of field descriptor on the function blocks where tag entries go would be awesome. A,B,C,D,etc... Don't mean much to me. Ezample: the linearize block, had to go to the help to see what goes where. In leiu of A,B,C,D fixed descriptirs like IN, X1, X2, Y1, Y2, OUT would be nice.  All blocks have the alpha field desrciptors and they can mean many different things.

    Did you try hovering your mouse cursor over the A,B,C,D fixed descriptors?

  3. You cannot change the Data Table name via ladder, but there is no need to. If you want to store and recall your recipes in a Data Table, then make each row of the data table a separate recipe. The first column can store the name, then subsequent columns would store each of the recipe parameters. You would then use available data table functions to store or recall all the items from a row.

    • Upvote 1
  4. It looks to me like you're confusing certain things. The Preset value you see in your ladder is set by you, the programmer, and will not change unless you check the appropriate box on download when the Preset value in the PLC is different.

    The Preset value in the PLC will change when, like the above, you download the program and check the appropriate box. The PLC Preset value can also change in the PLC by keyboard entry, but the change will not be visible on the screen (if the Preset value is being displayed) until the timer is next reset, either by Reset coil or by timer expiration. If the timer is running when the Preset is changed, the new Preset will not take effect until expiration of the current cycle.

    There is no need to restart the PLC for timer changes.

  5. I'm not sure "one shot analog output" really has any meaning. You will need to have a thorough understanding of the electronics involved (rise and fall times, etc). If you just need a certain voltage or current output for a short period of time, use the analog output or a relay attached to a digital output and run a timer in the PLC triggered by your input. There is a very convenient "Extended Pulse" timer you can use.

  6. I think they can be obtained for about $40 each. We always struggle to have enough digital outputs and these look like an inexpensive way to add more. The caveat is that we have to be willing to endure the delays as compared to a relay attached to an I/O module (and potential reliability issues?).

    I should have one in hand in a couple of weeks and will play with it to see what I can make it do.

  7. Why not just program like a thermostat? Set a minimum temperature and open the valve when the temperature is below the minimum. Close the valve when the temperature is at or above the minimum (or the reverse - not sure what valve you're opening and closing).


    I would be cautious about using Pulse-Width Modulation on a water valve since you might end up with a lot of water hammer or excess wear and early failure on the valve itself.

  8. 1 hour ago, HigHTech said:

    ...but I never get out of memory with Unitronics.

    I totally agree with HigHTech, but I have found that if you have more than 4 or 5 screens on the Samba, you will have a big problem with memory. This is especially true if they are even moderately complex screens with a number of elements on each. I suspect that will be your number one problem with memory limitation when you move from the V350 to the Samba.

  9. On 7/15/2016 at 6:06 AM, max_145 said:

    I also tried to export the ladder subroutines one by one, but also here the import is not possible, because i always get the message that some used operands are not available on the samba platform. 

      Of course i have to re-adress some variables, but it is just not possible if i cannot import the subroutine in my samba project.

    Move those operand addresses FIRST before exporting.

    • Upvote 2
  10. Perhaps the Unitronics developers didn't handle the error message in the most elegant manner possible, but fundamentally they are offering you two touch choices that are necessarily going to be in conflict. Clicking the "Keypad Entry" box will cause the touch to bring up the on-screen keypad to enter the ASCII data that will go into the vector starting at MI 110.  The "Touch" box will allow you to use the displayed ASCII variable to perform some other action in the ladder by making the assigned MB go high when touched. These are two different functions and you can only choose one.

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