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Posts posted by Flex727

  1. I've done this many times. All you need to do is Close the Socket, re-execute the MODBUS IP Configuration with the new attributes, then re-connect the Socket with the new attributes. I've never had any problem as long as I allow the few seconds if takes perform all the tasks. There is no need to restart the PLC.


    Edit: I see you're actually redefining the Protocol also. I've never tried that, but I suspect re-initializing the Socket and re-executing the Configuration block should work. The guys at support@unitronics.com should be able to give you a definitive answer on this.

  2. I rarely use the comms dropdown box, but I just checked and I see the same problem as Ausman. I am also still seeing the Modem box pop up randomly when I try to connect to the PLC over serial connection. When that happens the connection is dropped and cannot be restarted.

    FYI, this is using VisiLogic 9.8.31 and Windows 7 - 64-bit.

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  3. This is very simple.

    You need to use the function on the menu under Utils/Clock/Direct Clock Functions/Day of the Week in series with the function Time (found in the same place) to store 20 in an MI for the thermostat setting for Monday 10:00 to 12:00. Do the same for each separate setting you desire.

    You can use indirect values anywhere you want to have an operator input, whether for the time settings or the thermostat settings.

  4. 7 hours ago, Parag said:

    We tried to ping from ethernet setting, but it failed.

    I've never known an Ethernet connection to fail if the following are true:

    1) Confirm the ethernet IP address is correct (check in INFO Mode)

    2) Confirm the PLC Name is correct (check in INFO Mode)

    3) Make sure your PC is on the same subnet as the PLC (first 3 octets are the same)

    I'm told modern ethernet adapters will auto-adjust, but I always use a crossover cable or hub just to make sure.

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