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Posts posted by Flex727

  1. I think it's a futile request. Sometimes vibration sensors can be affected by noise, or higher frequency vibration that isn't useful to measure. For instance, with a large pump or motor, you're probably looking at seeing a problem with a rotational bearing, or something similar, which will result in a low frequency vibration. Any high frequency vibration might mask the signal you're looking for or cause false positives. I know it can be a common practice to place an electrical low-pass filter between the sensor and the ultimate measuring device, but I was thinking maybe there was a software way to accomplish this. I suspect there is really very little (or no) frequency information available to the PLC on the 4-20mA analog input, but thought I would check it out anyway.


    2 hours ago, Joe Tauser said:

    I've attached the Visilogic export of it, which you can re-create in UniLogic.

    It's not perfect and the PLC must be powered on when DST occurs.  If someone wants to improve it and post what they've done it would be most welcome.

    I get an error also. I'd love to play with it a bit if I could get it to load.

  3. Just for clarity, Socket Initialization is not the issue here. MattP is trying to perform the first download of his program into a new PLC. Normally, this should be done via serial or USB, which is why Unitronics includes a USB cable in the box. If absolutely necessary to connect via ethernet for the first time, the user must set the IP parameters in INFO Mode and look up the PLC Name.

  4. To go online for the first time you will need to connect via serial or USB. After the program is downloaded and the ethernet parameters are set within the PLC, then you can connect via ethernet.

    Also, Socket 1 defaults to Port 20256 and Slave, so you don't need the Socket Init for this (though it doesn't hurt).

    It is possible to set up the ethernet via INFO Mode, if that's absolutely necessary.

  5. Yes, you can display your MI read from the slave directly on the HMI screen. If it's just displaying zero, then you should confirm that you are in communication with the slave. Are you getting increments for Status Messages, Sessions, and Acknowledgements? Are you certain you're reading the right register addresses? Are you sure the slave registers have a value other than zero?

    One other thing, you only need one COM INIT block unless you are wanting to change your COM properties on the fly.


    16 hours ago, Ausman said:

    2  I have had instances where a usb cable has suddenly broken a line internally.  I'm assuming you have tried another known good cable in your attempts?  In my instances the error messages you're getting were similar..."unknown but I know something has been plugged in."  Murphy's law says that this failure is going to happen just after an update that will appear to be the culprit!

    Ausman is a beast!

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