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Posts posted by Flex727

  1. On 1/9/2022 at 5:25 PM, kratmel said:

    I have to accurately cut out the useful from the frame, then modify it to the desired appearance and set as the background of the future display. This way I know exactly what it will look like on the display and whether the proportions of the elements in the image are correct.

    What I do is open the image in Paint, go fullscreen and zoom as much as possible, then move the bottom border of the "drawing page" up and right border to the left. Then rotate the image 180 degrees and repeat. Finally rotate 180 degrees again and save. This is actually very quick and easy and doesn't require any precision mouse work.

  2. 40 minutes ago, Ausman said:

    Also....you did download it again after some mods...didn't you?  I've done this simple error before and it is very puzzling why something isn't working......Finish that minor change, compile, go to download it and the phone rings, distracting discussion, go back to monitor the program I've thought I've downloaded but haven't, scratch head pondering why it isn't working properly!  Eventually mutter rude words about what an idiot I am and do the download and it all works as expected.

    I've done this many times over the years. Makes you want to pound your head on the desk.

  3. Today while working on a project using VisiLogic 9.7.60, I inadvertently opened a file saved with 9.8.80 without using Version Swapper first. It killed my VisiLogic 9.7.60 installation and was unrecoverable. I keep extra copies of each VisiLogic installation for exactly this sort of thing. I strongly recommend all users keep an extra copy of each VisiLogic installation in a spare folder or backup drive. It will save you a lot of frustration.

    And to explain what I mean by this, go to your C drive and copy the folders in C:\Program Files (x86)\Unitronics\Unitronics VisiLogic_C (that last part may have different names if you have multiple installations to use with Version Swapper).

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  4. I often see posts on here from people struggling with using the VisiLogic Image Library. Sometimes the images are close but not exactly what you need, or the wrong color, or something else minor. It's difficult to edit them directly due to the watermark or image format. What I do is place the image on a blank HMI screen, taking care that the image is sized exactly the way I want it, then take screenshot. That screenshot can be pasted into Paint, or your favorite graphics program, and then cropped and edited as needed. No watermark and it can be saved as .bmp for further use in VisiLogic. Over the years I've built a nice library of my own that has the images the way I want them.

    Be sure you do not have the HMI screen "zoomed" in VisiLogic before taking the screenshot. One thing I've always liked about working with VisiLogic is the pixel-perfect representation on my computer screen. Also, VisiLogic seems to re-size an image with better fidelity than most graphics programs. Not sure how they do that.

    This technique can also be used to combine text and graphics so that the text over graphics has a font that perfectly matches other text on the PLC screen.

    And, finally, remember that if you are going to use any image in "Transparent" mode, that the transparency is controlled by the single pixel in the top left corner of the image. Make sure that pixel color is unique to everything except the background. I usually use pink so that it stands out to me while editing (the pink will disappear on the PLC HMI screen).

    • Like 2
  5. 24 minutes ago, kratmel said:

    But in a few years someone will say - Who built such nonsense on the PLC. He can't guess that mice used to run here ...

    Some of my programs have that issue. Programs that I wrote from scratch, but no one would see or know about the changes requested by the customer after the basic framework of the program was complete. Sometimes you just have to do what will work without regard to how elegant the solution ends up being.

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  6. On 12/17/2021 at 12:29 AM, SanjayP said:

    I go to enter a value into a  variable and after a couple of seconds the keypad entry screen disappears.

    The only time I've seen this happen is when I download a project update while entering a value. When the download completes, the screen refreshes and the keyboard disappears. Check to see if you are activating a screen refresh, whether SB 31 or some other method. If that's not it, you might consider posting your program here to see if someone here can duplicate the problem. If we can, then it is likely a software problem. If not, then likely a hardware problem.

  7. Three problems with VisiLogic Version 9.8.91:

    1) Constant "1Invalid operation at current state9" errors when opening a project or downloading a project.

    2) No notification that you're opening a previous version project when opening a project saved with 9.8.80 (yet would require a firmware update if the project were to be downloaded into a PLC).

    3) The "Note (218) The project you are downloading comprises many properties that differ from the project currently installed in the controller...." message ALWAYS appears regardless of how minor the change, thus rendering it useless.

    These problems are all new to version 9.8.91 and did not occur with 9.8.80. Can we get them fixed before the next release?

    • Like 1
  8. You need to understand how Positive Transitions work. The only way for the PLC to know that the bit changed state is to have saved the state of the bit on the previous scan and do the comparison. On the very first scan of the PLC that is not possible since it has nothing previous to compare it to. You will need to rework your logic to account for that. You could do something like this:



    Also, while I'm at it, you need to understand what Ladder Logic is all about. The program is divided up into ladder rungs purposefully to separate logic threads. Do not place multiple logic threads in a single ladder rung. It works most of the time, but can cause problems unexpectedly and is VERY poor programming practice.

  9. 1 hour ago, Jeff164 said:

    any parameters that the end user may have set up will be lost without the battery.    

    I'm not sure why this is a problem. Change the battery without removing power then reset the PLC. 24V power never needs to be removed from the PLC at any time during the process. Even if you feel the need to power cycle the PLC after changing the battery you won't lose operand values.

    SB 300 can be used to reboot the PLC from the HMI screen without disrupting power also.

  10. That should work fine, though I would use a Positive Transition contact for MB 20. HMI screen calls should be via transition contacts so they don't get called on every PLC scan. That's obviously not your problem since manually setting the bit works (and this is how I do it regularly with no issue). There's something else going on with your program. Post it here and we'll take a look.

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