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Posts posted by Flex727

  1. 3 hours ago, Harperj said:

    Could electrical noise be causing the interruption in the comms link?

    Yes, absolutely. It's difficult to recommend a specific course of action without being onsite, but try ferrite cores on all the cabling and do what you can to distance the VFD and/or insulate the PLC from the VFD noise. I suspect there are others on this board who can provide some personal experience to help.

  2. 19 hours ago, TriSeal27012 said:

    Is it possible I'm trying to go online with the wrong program that's currently loaded into controller?

    Just to add this little bit. Unitronics Vision line of PLCs do not check anything about the program, either loaded on the PLC or loaded in VisiLogic, before going online. You can always go online, whether with a different VisiLogic project, or even a blank one once you've established communications.

  3. 7 hours ago, VFU1076 said:

    Your saying that if the battery goes flat and the controller is powered off, i can restore my application from ladder through a button on screen?

    No. I am saying that if you "Download All & Burn", your application will still be there when the PLC is powered back on. Have you ever noticed that there is a (very simple) program running in a brand-new PLC and there is no battery installed? That program was placed there at the factory with "Download All & Burn".

    What I was saying about a button on the screen is that all the SD functions relating to saving and restoring the program are available in ladder. That includes clone files, application, operands, etc. My suggestion was to burn the program so that is not lost, but if you have Operand values that are important and could be lost, you could include a ladder function to save and restore those values if needed. Obviously if the program was not "burned" then ladder function to restore the program will not be helpful as that would be lost.

  4. 11 hours ago, VFU1076 said:

    I do not know if there's any other way to do this. 

    "Download All & Burn" when downloading the project will save the project to flash memory and thus it won't be lost when the battery goes flat. However, if you have configuration settings that are stored in operands, those will be lost. However, you can save and restore operands (or application, clone, etc) from ladder and place a button on the screen to restore those (or even do it automatically when the program starts).

  5. 3 hours ago, Cordell Musser said:

    Has anyone had difficulty downloading a program remotely using TCP/IP (Call)?

    Yes, this can be difficult at times. Try placing a Power-Up value of 10 in SI 101 You might need to go online and change the value in the register before your next download.

    3 hours ago, Cordell Musser said:

    Also, I always need to be lightning fast on the prompts that appear (around 1 second max) or the 210 error  message will come on again.

    SI 101 will help with this also. If you don't need them, you can disable the prompts by going into the Project / Properties / Messages tab. But do this with caution because they will stay disabled until you go in and re-enable them.

  6. I've been wondering about this question also. While I haven't done any formal testing, I believe the battery is only used when the 24V power is removed from the PLC. If the PLC remains powered up 24/7 (as it was built to do) then the battery will last at least 8-10 years (depending on how fresh the battery was when installed). If the PLC is powered off for extended periods of time, the battery life appears shorter. I always include SB8 notification in my projects.

    You're probably aware that you can download the project into flash memory so that it doesn't depend on the battery.

  7. 33 minutes ago, Ausman said:

    Do they transition sequentially as you step through your program?  Or is it all done at the end of the scan like other operands, going on the first change encountered?

    I feel confident that it all happens in real time, rung-by-rung. I never separate out transition contacts and they always work perfectly, even when the bit changes value more than once during a single scan (this would be easy to test definitively - I'll see if I can gin something up).


    37 minutes ago, Ausman said:

    The essence of what I'm saying is that building in certain sets/resets on power up, and delays before the plc actually does anything is, in my opinion, a must for both safety and correct operation.

    And this is why you're one of the smartest people on this board. I'm not sure this is common practice except in very specific situations.

  8. 22 hours ago, Flex727 said:

    First scans can be a bit tricky when using transition contacts.

    By the way, if I can expand on this a bit. How do transition contacts work? Well, the PLC sets aside a special memory bit location for every transition contact. The value of the bit is stored there and compared to the new value whenever it is encountered. If different, the transition is triggered (if in the correct direction). On the first scan what is the current value being compared to? Is the previous value held over from prior to the PLC reset? I'm frankly not sure, but I doubt it. This is where your first scan problems occur, in my opinion. Perhaps a developer or more experienced programmer might have more to add here.

  9. Anyone have any experiences, good or bad, with using micro-SD card extenders with either a V1210 or a V700?

    I am currently experimenting with one, and as I expected, the PLC doesn't know if a card is inserted (always thinks one is present due to mechanical microswitch). But I'm finding that proper communication with the SD card is hit or miss. The PLC thinks the card is there but writes will often fail. It may be the cheap brand extender I'm playing with or something else - I don't know.

    Also, I haven't been able to find one that has a panel mount. Anyone ever seen one?

  10. 1 hour ago, Sideway said:

    EDIT : @sgull i used a "TE" instead of a "TD", so that the timer goes HIGH when it receives a pulse. Am i wrong ? 

    You are correct. I'm sure sgull was just stuck on TD in his mind since that's basically the default. It happens to us all.


    1 hour ago, Sideway said:

    Although i cant figure out why it was not working with a rising edge of MB1

    First scans can be a bit tricky when using transition contacts.


    1 hour ago, Sideway said:

    I managed to get the program work by doing the MB11 direct coil technique... It worked properly.


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