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Posts posted by Flex727

  1. On 12/4/2021 at 4:13 PM, Sideway said:

    Though, in some of my ladder programs, i remember i used to put a direct coil sometimes in my leading net, which would turn red if the subroutine was ON.

    Actually this does not tell you as much as you think. If it's a conditional subroutine call and the subroutine stops being called, the coil will remain on. This is only one of the reasons to never perform conditional subroutine calls.

  2. I opened an older project file this morning and it opened with none of the contact or coil symbols visible. Since then, all my project files look like this. I've tried opening files in other VisiLogic versions (using Version Swapper) and everything now looks like this. Anyone ever seen this? Anyone have an idea of what the cause or fix might be?


    I am using Windows 10 on a high-resolution monitor. I've tried changing display resolution and font size, but no improvement.

  3. On 11/9/2021 at 1:01 AM, vasovas said:

    like shown on the screenshot attached. 

    It is a problem, because it reset counters and I get wrong data collected.

    Any suggestions?



    Taking a second look at this makes me wonder if you're not misinterpreting this. MB 0 shows to be on, but it does NOT show power flow to ML 0 and the others. Actually, it shows that ML 0 and ML 1 are NOT at zero and are NOT Reset.

  4. I just started using version 9.8.81 and notice the following two issues:

    1) When opening a project saved with 9.8.80, there is no notice that you are opening a project from an older version. However, when going to download the project to a PLC, it is required to upgrade the PLC firmware. If upgrading the project requires upgrading the PLC firmware, the programmer should definitely get a notice to this effect.

    2) When downloading a project to a PLC, ANY change results in this message:


    I am used to seeing this if there are dramatic changes or if downloading to a different PLC, but not every single download regardless of how small the change.

  5. It should be no different than your personal computer. It (normally) only has a single ethernet (or wifi) port and a single IP address, yet can communicate with other devices on your internal network and communicate with the internet. As with any device communicating with the internet, you are going to need a modem, or other device, that has internet connectivity through an internet service provider.

  6. 39 minutes ago, Cordell Musser said:

    Even with putting SI 101 at a 10 power up value, I still have issues with getting the (210) error message. 

    But is it improved? That has been my experience. I haven't been able to get WAN connections to be as stable as LAN connections, especially with downloads across the Pacific, but it's tolerable. If you find other improvements, I would like to know of them also.

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