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Posts posted by Flex727

  1. I use this function all the time between two Unitronics PLCs and have never had any trouble. I don't think it's possible to troubleshoot based on the information you've provided. Can you post your program? If not, I recommend that you review all the Ethernet and MODBUS configurations in both PLCs with a careful eye. All it takes is one little mistake to keep it from working properly.

  2. Normally the plastic screen protector does not interfere with calibration or the touch property of the screen. I normally don't remove it. However, I have had an occasion where there was a particle trapped under the protector which was registering as a touch. Since these screens are single touch (not multi-touch like your phone) the screen appeared to be non-responsive. Obviously, removing the protector fixed the problem.

  3. 14 hours ago, Ausman said:

    Anyway...Flex.... where are you?!

    Been visiting my daughter in the PNW (specifically Seattle area), but back now.

    My advice to @Touny is to reduce the complexity of your ladder rungs. There is rarely any reason for more than a few elements in each rung. Breaking your code down to simpler rungs makes it much easier to read and troubleshoot. Yes, it creates more rungs, but as I also frequently say, Unitronics doesn't charge you by the rung. :)

  4. 2 hours ago, thumble said:

    Also it may just be me

    It's not just you.


    2 hours ago, thumble said:

    That coupled with the annoying dropdown menu means that sometimes I click the wrong option.

    Yes, the drop-down arrow is tiny, but the rest of that button, large by comparison, does some random alignment. It should, perhaps, just execute the last alignment command but it doesn't. That alone would save a few keystrokes.

  5. This is a good suggestion. One of the issues I struggle with when programming with UniLogic (after >12years with VisiLogic) is that there seems to be no effort made by the developers to minimize keystrokes. Indeed, it seems like they go out of their way to increase the number unnecessarily. After spending a day at work with UniLogic, I feel like George Jetson:


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  6. I think Unitronics can do a version rollback for you (support@unitronics.com). However, a trick that I have sometimes had success with is to open to newer version program in the older version VisiLogic, then when the error message or crash occurs, reopen the crashed VisiLogic. It will again try to open the newer version program, but this time successfully (sometimes). You can then save it as the older version. Like I say, this only works sometimes but it might allow you to recover your HMI screens.

    Of course, the best answer is to resolve your issues with 9.8.91. I think there are other posts on this subject in this forum and I think the problem is quite solvable (though I don't remember the solution as I haven't yet moved to 9.8.91).

  7. 22 hours ago, edgar.guerra said:

    I do not understand how to use the implicit decimal number, when I made calculations with MI they did not let me do multiplication by number with comma

    Do not use a decimal point (comma). Just keep track in your head of where the decimal should go then display it using the HMI numeric variable that allows you to select how many decimal places and inserts the comma for you.

    For example, if you want to linearize your input from 0 to 1.5 bar, then linearize it to 0 to 15, remembering that you have implied one decimal place. Keep track of that through any subsequent calculations and you can multiply or divide by whatever power of ten gets you the precision you require.

    If you want the pressure displayed to two decimal places then simply linearize from 0 to 150.

    You really need to fully understand this in order to do PLC programming. PLCs work well with integers, but not so well with floats. You can easily avoid floats in nearly every situation if you understand this technique.

  8. 15 hours ago, Ausman said:

    Swervo, you seem to be transitioning to Unistream

    I forgot which forum I was in when I originally answered, though the answer is essentially the same. I will say that I understand Swervo's concern - UniStreams take a LOOONG time to boot up.

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