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Posts posted by Flex727

  1. 1 hour ago, Daag said:

    I don't know how  access to menu de calibration. I see only this instructions

    With the PLC powered up, touch the touchscreen in an area with no HMI elements and hold the touch for at least 4 seconds. You will then be presented with the option to go into INFO Mode, or calibrating the touchscreen. Choose calibrate the touchscreen and touch the boxes that pop up. When complete, press the ESC button to return to the operating system.

  2. I think you're setting up the linearization function properly (though X1 & X2 should be 819 & 4095, respectively, but that is inconsequential to this problem). If you can see the actual analog raw value changing appropriately and you have the linearization function set up properly, then the problem must be that the linearization function is not being called for some reason. Make sure the program is downloaded to the PLC and make sure the function is not in a subroutine that's not being called. If you post your program here, someone will try to help troubleshoot your code.

  3. Ah, sorry, didn't realize you were using the remote I/O. I guess that's a bit different.To troubleshoot that it would be best to go online and look at the raw value without using the linearization function - no reason to try to troubleshoot two things at once. If the raw value isn't changing, then you need to look at your hardware connections.

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