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Posts posted by Flex727

  1. Just a little bit of time to devote to this right now. I'll try to help more later.

    21 minutes ago, Roho said:

    He also wants to be able to set a TOTAL on timer that only counts the time while the motor is running.

    I would not use a timer for this, merely increment a register every second of run time (or use SB 7 if you need more precision).


    You can then manipulate MI 0 (oops, I see now that I mistakenly used MI 0 instead of ML 0, which would be less likely to overflow) to display on the HMI in various ways or use for calculations.

    If you need timers to pause and not reset, then change your logic to use TA timers instead of TD timers, or use an incremented register or counter as I did above for the total run time.

  2. Excellent response from Ausman. I'll add one more thing in the interest of good programming practice - do NOT have conditional subroutine calls. In rung 16 of the Main Routine, the direct contact of MB 4 is totally unnecessary. There's nothing wrong with separating out your button check into a separate subroutine if you wish, but there's no reason to only call it when that screen is displayed. Same with rung 17, and also in rung 18. Rung 18 isn't a conditional subroutine call, but MB 6 is totally unnecessary. If you want all that stuff in one ladder rung, then replace MB 6 with SB 1.

    Regarding the incorrect display of MI 3. That is only occurring when you have the Trend graph displayed. And it's not being displayed incorrectly - MI 3 is being overwritten by the value "1" when the Trend is on screen. I don't have time to go through your Trend graph setup in detail, but look there for your problem. Perhaps delete it and re-create it if you can't find the issue.

  3. By the way, the answer to your question, @JOYE, is that FACTOR is how you deal with the decimal placement since you are converting the string representation to an integer. If the string looks like this: "123.45", then you would use a factor of 100 to result in an integer value of 12345. You can then display this integer number on the HMI screen and identify where to place the decimal. If you use the number in calculations, you would need to account for the fact that the number has been multiplied by 100 and deal with that properly.

  4. 9 hours ago, Saragani said:

    Just place a Data Table element on  a screen, link it to a table, and open the "Columns Widths" property.

    In that view, you have "Is Visible" checkbox for each column. You also have the last columns (without title). where hovering your mouse on a row will show a drag image (4 horizontal lines).

    Thank you, @Saragani. Is this feature also available for the Web Server?

  5. I have a large Data Table (Indexed) that I need to rearrange the columns. According to the online tutorial that can be done, but it doesn't explain how. It also doesn't seem to be addressed in the Help file. None of the common sense ways seem to work. Anyone know how to do this in UniLogic?

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