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Posts posted by Flex727

  1. 1 hour ago, Ausman said:

    Updating things will likely lead to all sorts of problems...

    I totally agree with Ausman and NEVER upgrade the firmware of a working system. However, it's not likely to hose things, but my motto is the same as the engineer's creed: "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".

  2. 2 hours ago, Ausman said:

    have a look at using Edit/Export Operands Descriptions which will give you a perhaps more easily interpreted Excel file

    This will NOT provide the values of those operands, however.

  3. 8 hours ago, michairman said:

    As a newbie here can you tell me how to identify if the settings are being saved as registers?

    That is a HUGE program. It would take hours to go through it in detail. You will need to identify the settings you're asking about.

    As a general rule, any value entered from the HMI is either stored in a register (or Memory Bit) or a Data Table. Both will be retained as long as either 24v power is applied or the battery is good. Review the Help file regarding Operands to familiarize yourself with Unitronics PLC operational memory. If you have any concerns, then do as Gabriel Franco suggested above.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Nassos.NET said:

    is it possible to get in my ladder program the "Information Mode-->IP parameters" values in order to Initialize the TCP/IP Card with them?

    The way you set the IP parameters in ladder is to use the TCP/IP Card Initialization Function Block. In that function block you can hard code the IP parameters with actual numbers that do not change, or you can enter MI addresses which allow you to change the IP parameters at any time by changing the values in the MI vectors. You can change those values via HMI or enter the values through INFO Mode. Once you have entered the values into the MI vectors, then the PLC will retain them unless the battery dies with power removed from the PLC (battery lasts about 10 years).

    You can also set the IP parameters directly via INFO Mode if there is no TCP/IP Card Initialization Function Block in ladder. Even if there is a TCP/IP Card Initialization Function Block, you can change the IP parameters via INFO Mode, but they will only stay in effect until the PLC is rebooted (if the FB is activated by SB 2).

  5. The Snap-In I/O module snaps directly onto the back of the V570 PLC. It's a convenience. The I/O Expansion modules offer more flexibility and a greater number of I/O points but must be mounted on a DIN Rail. Otherwise there isn't much difference - the biggest difference being that the I/O expansion modules have lights for each digital I/O which can make troubleshooting a bit easier.

    Your first task in identifying I/O modules is to list all your needed I/O points, both digital and analog, and any communication requirements.

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  6. 19 minutes ago, michairman said:

    My first step is to write the simple code to set the password on an sd card so I can create images of or PLC's for backups.

    This sounds like you misunderstand how the SD card password works. It's not part of the SD card - it's in the program you want backed up BEFORE it's downloaded to the PLC. If you have the .vlp files then you will be able to do the backups by adding the Set SD Password FB to each program and re-downloading to the PLCs. If not, then you won't be able to do the backup.

    My best suggestion for learning is to watch the Unitronics training webinars and reviewing the example programs that came with your VisiLogic installation. After that, practice, starting with simple projects.

  7. I was watching a dopey TV series on Netflix and what should my eyes behold? Our very own Unitronics V570 controlling a coffee roasting machine. This appears to be a real place - Dark Matter in Chicago. Any forum members in Chicago that can verify?

  8. 23 minutes ago, chay said:

    I'm assuming the guy in the tutorial isn't plugging any hardware either

    That would be a bad assumption. The Communication selection of the Connection dropdown is communication WITH THE PLC. You are getting that error because you have no PLC connected to VisiLogic.

    26 minutes ago, chay said:

    I'm still learning the ways through visilogic, so I was planning on just starting on a simulation

    There is no simulation software for Unitronics PLCs. Their philosophy is that their software is free and their PLCs are inexpensive enough that you can download their free software and purchase a PLC for less that you would spend on other manufacturer's software alone. You should be able to find a Unitronics Samba PLC for $300 or less and it programs the same way as all the Unitronics Vision PLCs using VisiLogic.

    I think you'll find VisiLogic to be a joy to work with. It's intuitive and powerful. Pony up for a PLC and have some fun.

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