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Posts posted by Flex727

  1. You can't change the number of implied decimals on a numeric input at run time. Just set the numeric input for the maximum number of decimals and the user can input only the needed decimals. If the input is set for 2 implied decimals and the user only inputs 12.2, the correct value will go into the PLC (in this case 1220). As always, you need to do the math to handle the implied decimals.

  2. 1) Create your tank in your preferred image editing software (I use Paint because I am a simple guy). I also use .bmp for the format (though I will use .png and a different image editing software if I want a transparent background). Or obtain or purchase an image you like from another source and download it to your hard drive.

    2) In UniLogic, select the Image Element type you want to use from the HMI menu.

    3) Click on Image Source and navigate to the file on your hard drive and select.

    Which part are you having difficulty with?

  3. The PT1000 value has an implied decimal point. Your set value doesn't. In order to do a compare you need both values to have the same number of implied decimals. The easiest thing to do is to use a set point that also has one implied decimal, but is you want to enter whole numbers only then you need to multiply the entered set value by 10 (and store it in a separate place) before you do the compare.

  4. Can I just say that the ability to zoom V700 and larger HMIs in 9.8.64 is the greatest thing ever? I'm getting more and more work with V700s and V1210s and I can now use my large high-resolution monitor to its fullest extent and place HMI elements with precision without fussing around. Thank you for that update!

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