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Posts posted by Flex727

  1. "Load Timer/Counter Preset" is for copying the value of a Timer preset into an MI or ML. "Store Timer/Counter Preset" is for copying the value of an MI or ML into the Timer Preset. This is for Vision.

    For the UniStream it's more direct. You can use the Timer Preset or Current in operations as you would any other UINT32 operand, including MODBUS address assignments.

  2. In the V700, use the Function "Load Timer/Counter Preset" or "Load Timer/Counter Current", found under the "Store" drop-down menu, to place the Preset or Current value of the Timer into an MI or ML to be read by the UniStream.

    The value will be in 10ms increments (e.g. 5 sec will be stored as 500). Remember that you might overflow an MI if the timer is longer than a little over 5 min or so.

  3. I'm sure Joe will come along and address your concerns about additional software for the SM35, but I want to make you aware that UniLogic is for the UniStream PLCs and VisiLogic is for the Vision PLCs. The Samba is programmed using VisiLogic. There is no cost or licensing for either VisiLogic or UniLogic.

  4. A little more information would be very helpful. Is this the first time to open VisiLogic after a new install, or has it been working fine and this started suddenly? What operating system are you running on your computer? Do you have other versions of VisiLogic installed? Did you install VisiLogic with UAC off and Administrator privileges? Are you running VisiLogic with Administrator privileges? Have you tried opening a different project? Have you tried re-booting your computer? If all else fails, uninstall VisiLogic and re-install, or else try installing the newest version (9.8.64) and using Version Swapper to swap to it and try that.

  5. If you need to display in Time format, I usually just run an Accumulated Timer (TA) with the Preset at 24 hours. If you need to show a run time of greater than 24 hours then you can increment an MI each time the timer expires and show that just to the left of the timer display.

  6. 49 minutes ago, Plum said:

    how would you go about making it read and update HMI values for an unknown number of presets rather than copying each row into a vector for each preset u have. (Since that would become a large diagram if say 100  presets were required) Create a row counter that increments until it hits the end  of the allotted vector space and sets HMI values based on the row number?  That would lead to a lot of if statements checking the row number then, and would be the same thing as copying each row individually. 

    Using indirect pointers allows you to have a large number of checks without having a separate if statement for each.

    By the way, you are using the String Library to display your recipe names on pushbuttons. Don't do that. The String Library is intended to allow you to switch languages on pushbuttons with fixed text. Just use an HMI String variable, add a touch operand and display the variable as an unpressed pushbutton.

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