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Posts posted by Flex727

  1. This should be mostly possible. As far as I know, there is no "Disable Touchscreen" function in VisiLogic, but if you write the ladder in the Samba correctly you can enable a bit from the V1210 that can prevent any actions coming from the touchscreen. That bit would have to be in series in the ladder with any touch bit on the HMI and you wouldn't be able to use the "Toggle" property of binary elements.

    Bottom line, I don't see any major obstacles as long as you can update the program in the Samba.

  2. 29 minutes ago, rumur24 said:

    I've studied the examples on the site, but they're all top-level examples to me.

    Are you referring to the examples that come included with the VisiLogic install (Help / Examples / then drill down)? If not, take a look at those.

    If your problem is a basic understanding of Ladder Logic, then do an internet search. There is a lot of information available to help you understand how that works.

    If you have a grasp of Ladder Logic and have reviewed the example projects that come with your VisiLogic install, then make your best attempt at writing your project and post it here. Someone will be happy to help you further.

    There are also a number of YouTube tutorials that Unitronics has created that may be of some help.


    3 minutes ago, C_R_PLC said:

    The PLC needs to be configured to a non-encrypted email address, but any email address (gmail, hotmail, etc...) can receive it right?


    3 minutes ago, C_R_PLC said:

    but what I'm looking for would be more for an automatic send when certain triggers are hit,

    Use your trigger instead of the HMI trigger in the logic of Joe's program.


    4 minutes ago, C_R_PLC said:

    Would having multiple of these email logics take up too much space on the PLC? From my understand so far I'll need about 3 separate emails.

    Everything in the email function block can be indirect addressing or hard coded - your choice. Any number of different emails, recipients, etc can be sent using a single email function block using indirect addressing.

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  4. 9 hours ago, Joe Tauser said:

    You don't have any provision to remove old data.  Your moving average will keep growing.

    It doesn't keep growing because the sum is multiplied by 99 then divided by 100. In other words, you take 99% of the 100 point sum and add the new value (which is 1% of the total). As I said, it appears to me to be a bit smoother and more laggy than a genuine 100 point moving average (which sometimes can be a good thing), but it is only 3 steps and two operands to create a (pseudo) moving average of any number of points - to the limits of a 32-bit integer.

    However, I'm going to study your LargeFilterJT a bit.

    By the way, that vlp file appears to have been saved with 9.8.64, but you seem to be using the version from before Unitronics fixed the database issue to prevent it from being opened in 9.8.31. You should remove that version and re-download & install.

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