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Posts posted by Flex727

  1. Personally, I'm not certain of the order of events when you get into that much detail. I think it takes several cycles to get an HMI screen fully displayed, so not sure when the "Is Displayed" bit turns on or off. However, a positive transition of the button press should only be on for one PLC cycle so it shouldn't matter. Maybe the button is bouncing a bit? Try putting a timer on the button press so that it can't activate again for a tenth of a sec or so.

  2. 3 minutes ago, JuanArg said:

    One question, are the display jumps processed after the plc cycle is finished?

    Yes. Here is the comment you were looking for (credit @cantcliff): http://forum.unitronics.com/topic/3579-some-noob-questions/?tab=comments#comment-12994

    • Read physical inputs and map to memory
    • Run the ladder logic.  Scans left to right, top to bottom. 
    • Write physical outputs
    • Updates HMI
    • Communications
  3. I almost never use the Jump Condition Table for display navigation because in complex projects I will invariably end up adding a screen navigation button to a display and forget to add the corresponding jump condition. I have a subroutine where I handle every HMI screen jump in ladder so that I can repeat navigation button addresses without needing to add jump conditions.

    With external keys it can be a bit more complicated. In that situation I will have an "Is Displayed" operand for each screen and use a direct contact of that bit along with a positive transition of the function key to navigate to the correct screen. Try that and see if it fixes your problem.

  4. On 7/20/2017 at 10:39 AM, Joe Tauser said:

    I did use 9.8.64.  I'll inform the Creators about the reverse compatibility issue.

    What was the response? I just tried to open another project created in 9.8.64 and it wouldn't open in 9.8.31 (notified me that it was created with database 153 vs database 152 for 9.8.31). I see that the VisiLogic version available online still says 9.8.64. I tried to open @Joe Tauser's Stopwatch program again with 9.8.31 and it opens fine. Are there now 2 versions of VisiLogic 9.8.64 floating around, one using database 152 and one using database 153?

  5. It would help to see the rest of your code, but clearly as soon as MB 3 turns off, O 2 will turn on. You will need logic that is a bit more complex to handle your objective. I would set up something akin to a State Machine where you have bits that are Set and Reset according to which tank is the active tank with logic that switches them according to your needs.

    Additional comments:

    1) You should use a Positive Transition of MB 1 to Reset MB 10, MB 11, & MB 12 and place that in a separate rung from the rest of the O 2 coil logic.

    2) Do NOT place separate logic threads in the same ladder rung. The thread with SB 1 - MB 16 - TD 2 should be in a separate rung (and you do not need SB 1 there).

    3) You do not need the inverted contact of MB 1 after MB 10 - they are already mutually exclusive.

    4) Need more details of how you switch between Automatic and Manual modes. As shown above, it is impossible for logic to switch out of automatic mode (see #1 above).

  6. 4 hours ago, PeterFukt said:

    Does this application work with the Samba PLC as well?

    Samba has certain memory operand address limitations. The program would not work as is, but if all the operand addresses were moved (take care with vectors!) to within the address space of the Samba, then the ladder logic and screens could be copied to a Samba program.

    Better yet, endeavor to understand the operation of Joe's program and re-create it in your Samba program to meet your specific needs.

  7. 2 hours ago, ScottRyan said:

    in my main routine I was calling sub 1, sub 2, ret.  In Sub 1 I was calling sub 2, ret.  In Sub 2 I was calling sub 1, ret.  I removed the calls in sub 1 and sub 2 but left RET.  It now works.  I am guessing this put it into a continuous loop and then error..?  Any insights would be great.  

    Why were you doing this?

  8. You can find the resolution of the PLCs on the Unitronics website, or just position your cursor in the lower right corner of the VisiLogic HMI programming screen to read it off directly. The problem you're encountering is because Samba has smaller memory operand space. You cannot have more than 512 MBs, 256 MIs, or 32 MLs, DWs, & Timers. If you have fewer than this number, try moving all the operands to addresses less than those numbers.

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