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  • MVP 2023

Never seen this one before.   It appeared during loading Visilogic after a wake the puter from a sleep, which I don't do too often. 

It's only in one of my instances, so should be easily fixed, but it would be nice to know what caused it and what particular file is corrupted somehow.

I'm guessing it's got nothing to do with a number of musicians playing outside their contracts....!

cheers, Aus




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I will suggest to close project without saving it (to not store corrupted data),

Close VisiLogic.

Reboot computer.

Run VisiLogic installation file (unblocked!!!) and select Repair Installation.

Run and test again.

In my case Laptop got BSOD as result of SSD Bad Block (which being replaced during Laptop reboot), 

Sometime VisiLogic Uninstall than install required.

Hope this helps to fix problem.

In case of project error attempt to restore it from "Project->Restore".


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  • MVP 2023

Thanks, but the project opens fine in the other instances I have.

In the faulty one it doesn't get to run the window at all.  But it does leave Visi as a running program that I have to force close to try again.  The "This application is already running" alert.

The real puzzle is how a fully closed program was affected by a sleep instance.  I don't have write caching enabled.  Visilogic was well and truly closed, done ages before the sleep.  A full drive scan of both drives involved shows no errors.

Regarding doing a repair, I can't do it because the instance is the "2nd one" and the "1st" is where the install/repair tries to go.  I can't choose destination during the process.  What I am going to do (for interest's sake) is spend a little time replacing particular folders in the faulty instance until the error goes, and then try to narrow it down progressively.  Unless someone can pinpoint the exact file and trigger for me.

The one thing I have found with a detailed look is that Windoze has at some stage once again turned on a host of "features" that I disable.  It is possible that one of these damn programs has upset something during the sleep.  I reiterate that everyone should have a look at what task scheduler does in the background.  You will likely be a bit amazed. It is plain as day that if a huge number of people take steps to disable a method, then M$oft will work their butts off to do it another way, under another name.  I'm not paranoid, just careful, and try to limit my "internet exposure".  But it is a bit hard when an O/S I am forced to use, and have paid for, is so aware of everything I do and tells their data miners all about it, even though I constantly try to stop such things.

cheers, Aus


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  • MVP 2023

Copy the VisiLogic folder (in the C:\Windows\Program Files (x86)\Unitronics folder)  of the 1st instance (the one that is currently working) on top of the VisiLogic folder of the 2nd instance (the one with the error message) and allow all the files to replace or copy over. That should solve your problem.

I keep a working copy of every VisiLogic folder (I have 23) on another drive ready to replace any corrupt VisiLogic folder at a moments notice. I haven't seen the exact error you're experiencing, but I've had my share over the years of corrupted VisiLogic files and this is the best solution I've found.

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  • MVP 2023

Thanks Flex, I already know this, but I am going to do it progressively as previously described to try to narrow it down a bit.  That's why I first said "easily fixed".  I have the same system of virgin copies.

Just annoying that something so stable suddenly throws a wobbly for no apparent reason.

cheers, Aus

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • MVP 2023

So...just a follow up on this odd behaviour.

I discovered a topic already existed on the forum here:


There is mention of deleting the folder in C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\Unitronics, but in my case the only entries in this folder relate to Remote Access.

So I tried the initial suggestion which relates to the .lyt file which is in C:\Program Files (x86)\Unitronics\Unitronics VisiLogic_C2\Main\Layout.  (Note the _C2 added for the instance in question) Added old to the name for safe keeping and copied the same file over from one of other instances.  I didn't use the one Cara has a link to as the size mismatched significantly.

The faulty instance booted up ok, but needed direction to the project that I was initially using.  Once there everything is fine.  I haven't had any other errors appear (so far.... fingers crossed) like others mentioned in the earlier topic.

Of special interest is what I discovered about the .lyt file upon closer inspection.  Opening the good file in Notepad++ brings up multiple lines of code up to 1672, but opening the dud one and it only has ONE line of code that is all NULS.  So somewhere in proceedings the file has obviously been significantly corrupted.  I can't really explain this, I don't believe I bit the byte gods that day (readers can now laugh at my little pun), and I don't recall any other odd things going on.  Both drives in the puter in question are good name, young SSDs and smart shows no errors or reallocations have taken place since new.  As already mentioned, caching is disabled as well.

Something to ponder, but not too long for, unless it happens again.

cheers, Aus



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