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Sample Email program by JTA

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  • MVP 2023

I've had a lot of local requests for help on getting email working.  There are a lot of pieces needed to make it work right and it has to be done in the right order.  A PLC was never invented to send emails, and the fact the Unitronics can do this is a pretty awesome feature.


I'm posting a sample program we wrote to hopefully show everything needed and some tricks to make it cool.


Joe T.

Sample Email Program V570 5-6-15.vlp

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  • MVP 2023
4 hours ago, PeterFukt said:

Does this application work with the Samba PLC as well?

Samba has certain memory operand address limitations. The program would not work as is, but if all the operand addresses were moved (take care with vectors!) to within the address space of the Samba, then the ladder logic and screens could be copied to a Samba program.

Better yet, endeavor to understand the operation of Joe's program and re-create it in your Samba program to meet your specific needs.

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  • MVP 2023

Update - remember that the Vision series does not support email servers that require SSL or TSL, which is almost all of them now.   So you'll have to come up with your own email server or work with a small ISP that will set up SMTP or ESMTP only.  The big guys such as gmail, gmx, yahoo, et. al. won't work.

Joe T.

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  • MVP 2023

Hi Joe, (and Saragini etc) my thoughts are that this is essentially firmware, so do you think the creators are going to look at adding this capability into the OSs?

Plenty of people must be like myself and can't ever see the need to be moving away from Vision, as it suits perfectly.  If it ain't broke, don't fix it.  But definitely improve it if you can.

Is it worth nagging?  !!



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The impression I got was no, something like: most Vision hardware is maxed out on space allocated for firmware memory. Except for V700 there is only four sockets. Could use more sockets and SSL/TLS email! I agree on Vision being a solution good for most applications. Only thing that got me to use a Unistream was customers desire for a 15" screen. I have found several things I like with the UniStream lineup. However there are some (very useful) FB's in VisiL that are not found in UniL. Would love to see something in between the two in the model line. Price is a big factor in most of the projects I end up doing.

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I've nagged them about a lot of things, with persistence. Only seen one thing change because of it. My wishlist didn't make any hits on the last UniL release :( 

I haven't given up entirely. Some of the requests are probably out of the question. Not impossible, just not something (presumably) worth the time it would take to develop. But wait... VisiLogic has IT!

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