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How to SSH into Unistream


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  • 3 years later...
  • MVP 2023

No.  The UniStream does not have a shell built into it that users can access.  That would allow someone to create all kinds of havoc with the under-the-hood PLC file structure.

The closest thing is the VNC server - I have not tried logging in from a VNC client on a linux box but it does work with a VNC client on an Android phone.

Joe T.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi I'm also interested... I was asking in the forum to install linux in the OPLC, and I see is already there :)

Did you get how to access? I see many advantages using scripting in linux calling HTTP APIs, with curl POST/GET, etc.

I have an old Vision350 color OPLC.

thanks in advance.


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