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Resetting count on high speed counter

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I am having issues with having my total count reset at the target point. My hardware is:




I have toggled both the high speed counter and high speed counter with reset on the expansion pack, neither option reset it at its set point. I tried using store 0 into the count, however that is not working either. The decrement portion of the ladder is working however. 

I tried resetting the numeric insterad of store direct as well with no luck.


I have attached how my ladder is set up, as well as the high speed counter.

Any pointers of where I am overlooking?




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Hi Arbellah;


Had the same issue.

 You cannot  change the value  the MI assigned to the High Speed Counter in the IO-D16A3-TO16.


I tried saving the count data an loading it back in after a power up, and tried  in the Online mode to change the value of the MI.

Neither worked.


In my case, we ended up removing the module and using a V200-18-E5B  ( on a V570) .

In your case, you will have to consider using another V130   like the   TR20 or TR34  or R34.



I think this is something Unitronics should look at, or provide an explaination.




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I am having issues with having my total count reset at the target point. My hardware is:




I have toggled both the high speed counter and high speed counter with reset on the expansion pack, neither option reset it at its set point. I tried using store 0 into the count, however that is not working either. The decrement portion of the ladder is working however. 

I tried resetting the numeric insterad of store direct as well with no luck.


I have attached how my ladder is set up, as well as the high speed counter.

Any pointers of where I am overlooking?




The HSC is kept track of on the hwardware level.  This is why you need to send a digital input signal to the PLC to reset the HSC.


If you wish to reset it via the hardware, you must create an offset to create a "software" HSC count.  Basically, you would set up the ladder as shown below, and use the "Software HSC" as the current count.  Then compare this count with your target position. 


11 6 2015 2 31 09 PM

With the HSC functionality, you have the ability to run an interrupt routine upon the HSC count reaching the target position.  I would run this ladder for the SW reset in teh interrupt routine, then add whatever your target position couont is to the target position being observed by the HSC configuration.  This way, the interrupt routine will be able to be called continuously.
Please review the help files for more information on interrupt routines with our controllers.
Hope this helps.
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The HSC is kept track of on the hwardware level.  This is why you need to send a digital input signal to the PLC to reset the HSC.


If you wish to reset it via the hardware, you must create an offset to create a "software" HSC count.  Basically, you would set up the ladder as shown below, and use the "Software HSC" as the current count.  Then compare this count with your target position. 


With the HSC functionality, you have the ability to run an interrupt routine upon the HSC count reaching the target position.  I would run this ladder for the SW reset in teh interrupt routine, then add whatever your target position couont is to the target position being observed by the HSC configuration.  This way, the interrupt routine will be able to be called continuously.
Please review the help files for more information on interrupt routines with our controllers.
Hope this helps.




This got us a little further but we still run into issues.


I cannot Compare (Greater than or equal to) a DW. We will have an issue once our HSC actually reaches its finite limit of 32,767 than cannot move without a power reset. It would keep resetting the "Software HSC" But never the finite number on the actual counter.


Also, we cannot use interrupts since we are on an expansion pack.

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This got us a little further but we still run into issues.


I cannot Compare (Greater than or equal to) a DW. We will have an issue once our HSC actually reaches its finite limit of 32,767 than cannot move without a power reset. It would keep resetting the "Software HSC" But never the finite number on the actual counter.


Also, we cannot use interrupts since we are on an expansion pack.


What do you mean you cannot compare with a DW?  Upon placing a compare block down, type DW where "MI" appears, then choose the DW address you wish.


I am still a little unsure why using the "Software HSC" does not work for you.  Why do you need to reference the actual HSC?  Why does the device stop when it reaches 32,767 and need a power reset?

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I reworded my last post wrong and it did not help you guys.


I have attached my ladder here for one.


For two, I attached a screenshot, in my ladder I literally cannot compare to a Double Word. Don't have the option, can not do it


I can not grasp how to say what I am thinking as far as the count. We have a finite number on the actual count. Than we offset that to get us back to zero and than we use the Software HSC as our "count" to base everything off of. Well once our actual count, not offset count reaches its finite max, it will not reset, and will not continue counting. 


I am probably thinking about this wrong, so hopefully attaching my ladder file helps.


Thank you 


Just kidding both files are to large to upload here. I will resize the image to attach here, but the ladder can not be posted as its 110KB and I have a max of 93kb upload.


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I reworded my last post wrong and it did not help you guys.


I have attached my ladder here for one.


For two, I attached a screenshot, in my ladder I literally cannot compare to a Double Word. Don't have the option, can not do it


I can not grasp how to say what I am thinking as far as the count. We have a finite number on the actual count. Than we offset that to get us back to zero and than we use the Software HSC as our "count" to base everything off of. Well once our actual count, not offset count reaches its finite max, it will not reset, and will not continue counting. 


I am probably thinking about this wrong, so hopefully attaching my ladder file helps.


Thank you 


Just kidding both files are to large to upload here. I will resize the image to attach here, but the ladder can not be posted as its 110KB and I have a max of 93kb upload.


What version of VisiLogic are you using? 


Please try replacing the compare function block and see if you may choose a DW first.  If you choose an MI first, you will not have the option to compare this to a DW.

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  • 3 years later...

I have exatly the same problem, in my case I am usin a V350-35-R34 whit a IO-DI16 expansion module.

In this case I´m traing to reset the MI 90 (high speed counter) but I cant.

I use this same logical to reset another high speed counter connected directly to the PLC and everything is working fine, the problem is just whit the high speed input conected to IO-DI16.
Some know what is the problem. Do I need to do some diferent whit the expansion module inputs?
I really apreciate your help.



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