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I am new in this forum and in unitronics, for this reason I have too many problems when I set up V700.


  1. I am following the manual "Using Ethernet" to V700 and I could not watch the IP address with I need to set up downloads throught the ethernet cable PC-PLC.
  2. When I try to simulate in visilogic anyprogram appears the next window "Run-time error 5 invalid procedure call or argument"

I will start this topic with these questions. Thanks.


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We recommend running our software as an administrator. This is a Windows setting that if not applied can generate the run time errors as you have seen. It is not likely anything you have done or set up within your project.


To run VisiLogic as an administrator, right click on the VisiLogic Icon, choose Properties, navigate to the Compatibility tag, and select the box labeled ‘Run this program as an administrator’. Hopefully this should eliminate the error you are experiencing.


How did you set the IP address within the controller? Did you program it over serial first, or did you set the IP address through info mode in the controller?

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There was not any information in your reply.


Were you successful in solving the issue?

Sorry, I lost the internet connection and the reply appears in white.


Yes, the errors were gone :)


Okey, I set up the unitronics' program for v700 in order to configurate ethernet connection:



My purpouse is set up the IP address to connect the V700 directly to the ethernet port to speed up the transmition. But I dont know how to get this IP




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Yes, as Joe mentioned you must first initialize the Ethernet card using a specific function block (TCP/IP Card Init). This function block can be found under the COM TCP/IP menu in VisiLogic. The IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway will be defined in this block either using a defined value, or by linking a vector of 4 MI's for each address.

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So the conclusion is, if I want a dynamic IP address linked to anyvalue I will use vectors with 4 MIs and if I want a static address I can define directly to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx in each field.


So, once I set up IP/TCP protocol, could I introduce this address in the communication port to download projects PC-PLC faster than USB?

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  • MVP 2023

Yes you can do that. Socket 1 will default to Port 20256 for PLC-PC communications. If you initialize Socket 1 to a different port, then you will need to initialize one of the other sockets to port 20256. Be sure you also use the PLC Name function block to give the PLC a useful name for communications from your PC.

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I have another question, sorry because I am newbie with Unitronics's PLC. A vector is a composed of different operands, for example, I set up one in MI0 with lenght 4, the full vector is MI0,MI1,MI2,MI3, the question is if I have to set up IP addresss for example each value corresponds to each MI which will be the "Vector address"?


I only can link one MI to the IP addrees is it MI0? then visilogic knows that MI1,MI2,MI3 are linked to this one?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I try to set up the ethernet card again and the error SB168 comes up, then I power up SB168 and visilogic show me an error of compatibility with V700.

Anybody have idea about this?


What I am trying to do is connect PC-PLC, I was reading about MODBUS, I don't know if I need to set up MODBUS settings.



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  • MVP 2023

Be sure your PC and PLC are set up on the same subnet (e.g. 192.168.1.xxx). Check in INFO Mode what the IP address of the PLC is and the PLC Name and be sure those are properly entered in the communications section of VisiLogic. Make sure you are connecting the PLC and PC either through a hub or with a crossover cable.

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  • MVP 2023

I don't know if you really need the PLC to be the Master, by try it the other way first. Initialize the PLC Socket to Port 20256 and Slave. Set up the PC communications in VisiLogic to TCP/IP (Call). Confirm the PLC Name and IP address are correct, then try to initiate communications from your PC.

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Hi everybody,


I have still the same problem, I will try to ping the PLC as Alexander said.


Anyway, anybody know how to create a timer/pulse, I do not know If I should use a pwm.


I have 2 states for a sounder:


1- Continuous sound

2- Intermitent sound


The continuous is obvious, but no the intermitent, so what I am trying to program is a intermitent pulse when some swith is on

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