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Sending attachments via email


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Hi, I'm getting status 4 while trying to send the alarm log and the data tables via email, I think the issue might be related to the File Name, is this the name that I want to be reflected on the output file(the one to be sent via email) or is this an inside file name?, also I tried sending the Data Sampler but I didn't knew what the folder name was, the folder name for my data table and the alarm log are set automatically

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Are you able to send an email without an attachment first to test if the logic and email settings are set up correctly?


The file name is the file being linked from the SD card. If you are linking from a Data Sampler the folder name was created in the Sampler settings within UniLogic. Otherwise as you mentioned the data table and alarm log already have pre-defined folders.

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No, I haven't been able to send any email, even without any attachment(only text email), it stills goes to status -4. I'm using Unilogic 1.15. I tried first using a Gmail and then using the Corporative Email, non of them worked and they had the same behaviour. If the issue was an email configuration wouldn't the status be other than attachment error? Also, is there a way in this version to visualize the data tables in the web server?

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  • 4 months later...

I want to note that should be allowed to "Untrusted applications" in your Google-account security settings.


About problem:

I also could not send any attachment. Emails without attachments goes normally.
Can you give an example?
Unilogic V1.17.58
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  • 2 years later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hi There,

Please try to use the attached files. 

Before you are inserting the SD card DO NOT forget to format it with our SD Card Suite Tool, it will create the folders as it should be.

The first one is the vlp which includes the SW & the configuration  of the email server (in our case it's SMTP2GO.com) - Recommended for tests.


V570 email SMTP2GO Test.vlp


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Hello All,

First, I want to apologize to all the forum people for answering on VisiLogic Studio.

About the UniLogic, currently this is a feature request that already added to our wish list, Sorry for the inconvenience.

As you already know, do not hesitate to contact us whenever you are facing a any doubt, question, request and etc.

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  • 5 months later...

the file on the predefined folder in  0:/AlarmLog/AlarmLogs/ change the name on any event 

i try to put from example - the file name #"AlarmLog08_04_19-21_02_54.zip" and it works but the application require to send the latest event log when critical event was trigger

the problem is that the file name is change every day so i can't send the latest alarm log like i have on the pre defined folder 0:/AlarmLog/


there is missing description if the file name need to include the file name extension after the dot

when sending screen shoot it require to add .jpg to the file name and when sending DT it not require ?

appreciate your support


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the problem is that the file name is change every day so i can't send the latest alarm log like i have on the pre defined folder 0:/AlarmLog/

In the upcoming release (version 26) a new member added to the "Alarm Status Struct" - "Last Alarm Log Zip Filename".  Use it to apply your requirements.


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