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Storing values of counter with v1210


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I have a counter currently in a V350 and would like to migrate to a v1210 ( counter=slave ) that will communicate with another v1210 ( Master= in my desk ) .

Only dispose of canbus connection between them.

I am designing in collecting the slave and online collect values ​​for the master(store).

Question- in the example of communication only transmission of MI and not ML , Am I right?


Thank for all future help




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Indeed  the UniCAN send element support only vectors of MIs but if you wish to  send diffrent types of operands (for example ML in your case) you can use the Struct ladder element to collect diffrent types of operands and place it in vector of MIs.

then when the other PLC receives the data , you will need to use extract (also using the Struct )in order to parse back the vector of MIs to the operands. You can find the struct ladder element under the ladder Vector menu.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
I am not getting to make a collection of my process data using DATAXPORT software involving two devices v1210,
(named them in D1 and D2) where D1 is in the collection of data (in your) and D2 this on my table job.
D1 stores the values in its internal table and coming in 1000 and returned lines will begin to overlap,
Currently these values I can only collect locally.
This not this good because not always be in D1 at the moment that ends the table rows.
I would using a CAN connection (available) to read / write values D1 D2 and automatically store this data in D2 in a excel spreadsheet (.xls file).
collecting data is always ML to ML (then should I use the function
STRUCT, but I'm still confused on how to use this function).
I would like to ideas and suggestions if possible to improve my project.  
Best regards, Nildo
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  • 2 months later...
Dear colleagues and collaborators, 
first of all thank you for the exchange of ideas and notes (of all). 
But unfortunately I continue without progressing to my project. I understand that it is not in the complex but 
I am having difficulty continuing because I have a low level of knowledge for some complex functions.
Seems to be an easy programming but I'm not getting any further. I'm being honest, too.

If you need receive my file please contact me in email jnildocosta@hotmail.com  until I get attached my file(>0,12MB) in this topic.

Thank you for now



New project with 2 v1210 follow :

my structure.png

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  • MVP 2023

Hi Nildo,

Perhaps this might explain Struct Vect a little better;

Imagine you have to move all your relatives and friends to a new city.  You bring them all into a central area, thus collecting their different types of addresses all into one place.  You then pack them all together and send them by bus (ho ho) to their new city.  Once arrived at the central area there, you unpack them and send them all out to different addresses in the new city.

So in your case at the source end you use Struct Vect, with the Data Direction set at "From mixed data locations to vector", to collect all your operands' addresses into one (or multiple) Vector that you send along the UniCAN line, using UniCAN Send.  Once it arrives at your destination PLC, you use Struct Vect there, but at this end you are selecting "From vector to mixed data locations" to unpack all the data in the vector to the various addresses you want it to go to in the destination PLC.

This can be a little confusing as you have to keep track of your source addresses and where you are going to put them in the destination PLC as you unpack them.  I use screenshots of the source Struct Vect to make this a little easier.

I hope this clears it up a little for you.



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