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But I still use Visilogic, and I'm not as young as I used to be, so please please please consider adding zoom functionality to the HMI designer for the V1210?

I can't tell if my screen elements are lining up anymore.  And it's tricky using a wooden ruler and masking tape on my computer screen.





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  • MVP 2023

And while we're at it, we need the ability to lock the elements in place after they're lined up. I am constantly struggling not to move elements by one pixel when double-clicking to modify some property. Just a single property that applies to the entire HMI screen to lock all elements in place would be sufficient.

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If you have 2 monitors, or lots of monitor space, try running Magnifixer outside of the Visilogic window.  Once you set it up right, it works a treat.  It won't work if you have it inside the Visi window.  Must be residing in fixed mode outside...hence best on 2 or more monitors, or a reeaallly wide one. The mouse work goes on in the Visi window, but what you are watching is the Magnifixer window.




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Wow--good to hear from one of the best power-users and beta testers ever seen around these parts! It's been awhile :D

Guys--we've got the ability to lock elements in place. It isn't the most prominently-placed icon in the interface, but it is down there, right next to the Grid icon. When the lock is clicked, it turns red, and any elements you try to grab have red corners.

I hear you about the Zoom - the Grid isn't much use because the squares are too small. 
On my way to put in a feature request!


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  • MVP 2023
3 hours ago, Cara Bereck Levy said:

Guys--we've got the ability to lock elements in place. It isn't the most prominently-placed icon in the interface, but it is down there, right next to the Grid icon. When the lock is clicked, it turns red, and any elements you try to grab have red corners.

THIS is why I participate in this forum - I learn something new every day. Thank you, @Cara Bereck Levy! I wish I had realized this years ago.

Okay, Cara, tell me this: when I look at .vlp files in Windows Explorer there is sometimes a lock on top of the VisiLogic icon in front of the file name. What does that mean?

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A real zoom within the program would be much better, as Magnifixer only zooms what is already there.  Including shakey old blokes' hand movements on mouses!  But it is ok for the times I need it.

And whilst Flex is asking a behaviour question, why do *.vlp files always bring up the "properties can't be copied" alert when doing backups onto my NAS?  Looking at them on the NAS it looks like they lose a lot of the security names and permissions, and I don't know what else.  I have no other file types that exhibit this behaviour.  Size is the same, but Size on disk is a little smaller.  Curious, and sometimes annoying.  Pic of the alert attached.  This is always on my Win 7 systems.



05-Apr-17 07.34.jpg

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On 4/4/2017 at 9:36 PM, Flex727 said:

Okay, Cara, tell me this: when I look at .vlp files in Windows Explorer there is sometimes a lock on top of the VisiLogic icon in front of the file name. What does that mean?

Umm...I have no idea what you mean...could you send me a screenshot? Also, maybe right-click it an see what it says in the properties, and show that as well.

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On 4/5/2017 at 0:56 AM, Ausman said:

A real zoom within the program would be much better, as Magnifixer only zooms what is already there.  Including shakey old blokes' hand movements on mouses!  But it is ok for the times I need it.

And whilst Flex is asking a behaviour question, why do *.vlp files always bring up the "properties can't be copied" alert when doing backups onto my NAS?  Looking at them on the NAS it looks like they lose a lot of the security names and permissions, and I don't know what else.  I have no other file types that exhibit this behaviour.  Size is the same, but Size on disk is a little smaller.  Curious, and sometimes annoying.  Pic of the alert attached.  This is always on my Win 7 systems.


Zoom: I have submitted a feature request--I don't even know if it is possible, but I'm having it looked into.

I gather that NAS is network storage? This is only for backup, correct? 

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  • MVP 2023
5 hours ago, Cara Bereck Levy said:

I gather that NAS is network storage? This is only for backup, correct? 

Yes, correct.  This loss of properties only happens on copies to various NAS.....Seagate and WD in use.  Not on copies to USB etc.



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  • MVP 2023
13 minutes ago, Ausman said:

This loss of properties only happens on copies to various NAS.....Seagate and WD in use.  Not on copies to USB etc.

Are you saying this only happens with Unitronics files? My experience is that NAS drives often use some file system that is not entirely consistent with Windows. Not sure why, but perhaps so that they will be compatible with other operating systems also.

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  • MVP 2023
10 hours ago, Cara Bereck Levy said:

Umm...I have no idea what you mean...could you send me a screenshot? Also, maybe right-click it an see what it says in the properties, and show that as well.

While looking at the file properties, I see that they are different between the icons with the lock and the icons without. Clearly this is a Windows thing - I don't know what it means, but it seems to me that it's not Unitronics related.

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  • MVP 2023
9 hours ago, Flex727 said:

Are you saying this only happens with Unitronics files?

Yes, correct.  I have thought along the same lines that the NASs are Linux based, but it is strange that all my other files transfer around correctly.  Unitronics are the only ones that cause a problem.  It's not a big issue, but is annoying when it interrupts transfers by waiting for human input.



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