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Good afternoon all,

I'm new with Visilogic and Unitronics. I'm doing my first application and I would like to do this steps:

  1. Ask a login (string) via the HMI
  2. Validate it by clicking on a button "validate"
  3. Display the login saved in a string box to check it's well saved

The problem is that I don't know how to ask the operator to enter, via the HMI, a string. 

Thanks in advance for your help.

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  • MVP 2023

Look on that toolbar that runs vertically between the two primary panes in VisiLogic. When you have an HMI screen displayed on the right side, you will have nearly everything you need for adding display elements to you HMI screen. One of the icons will say "ASCII String" (Near the top, under "Text") when you hover over it with the mouse. Click that icon (not click and hold) then draw the box on the screen to the size you want (you can change it easily afterwards).

There is also a dedicated Password entry box a little further down, under "Numeric".

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Good Morning all, I've an other problem:

I try to control an analog output. I increment it during 20sec and I desincrement it during 20sec. Then, the output is set to 0.

The output is well incremented but it doens't desincrement.. Whereas to desincrement, the output stays to the max value and after 20sec is set to 0.

To see the code, download the screen attached.

Thanks in advance for your help !




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  • MVP 2023

You have several alternatives. You can use latched bits and SET & RESET them appropriately or you might see if a TE timer would serve your purposes better (with slightly different triggering logic), or there might be other options depending on your overall logic.

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  • MVP 2023


5 hours ago, Cartier said:

The outputs' values don't change.

HI Cartier,

make sure you are actually calling the routine/sub this is in.  Visilogic will show the red power lines even if the routine is not being called, and thus not actually running.  It is an annoying quirk of the program.

cheers,   Aus

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Thanks normal coils have solved my problems. 

I've some other problems with analog outputs but I'll try to correct them tomorrow.

Analog output 0 (0-10V) is associated to MI 0. If MI 0 is set to max-value (about 30000), I should have 10V on analog output 0, isn't?

Is code bellow correct ? START and STOP are buttons.

Thanks for your help.


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  • MVP 2023
Just now, Cartier said:

Analog output 0 (0-10V) is associated to MI 0. If MI 0 is set to max-value (about 30000), I should have 10V on analog output 0, isn't?

No! You need to know if the analog output is 10-bit, 12-bit, or 14-bit. If 10-bit, the value of MI 0 should be 0-1023, if 12-bit, 0-4095, and if 14-bit, 0-16383.

You don't need to write to the analog output, just assign a value to MI 0.

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  • MVP 2023

By the way, there are a large number of example projects included with your VisiLogic installation which show you how to do common tasks. There is also a very extensive Help file with examples. Further, there are You Tube videos, made by Unitronics personnel to teach the basics of VisiLogic programming. (I'm not trying to discourage you from posting here, but you may find those resources very helpful)

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15 hours ago, Flex727 said:

By the way, there are a large number of example projects included with your VisiLogic installation which show you how to do common tasks. There is also a very extensive Help file with examples. Further, there are You Tube videos, made by Unitronics personnel to teach the basics of VisiLogic programming. (I'm not trying to discourage you from posting here, but you may find those resources very helpful)

Hi Flex727,

Thanks for your suggestions. In fact, those resouces are very helpful but I don't manage to see why my analog output doesn't work..

I've a module I/0 snap-in E3XB with 12 bits analog outputs. To test my analog output, I've created a new project where analog output 0 (0-10V) is associated to MI 0.

If I set MI 0 to 4095, I should have 10V on analog output 0 but it's not the case.

As you said me before, I don't use immediate "Write Analog Ouput".

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  • 5 weeks later...


The problem was due to a mistake in the electrical wiring..

Now I communicate with the SD Card and I save the datas in an Excel file.

I try to configure the file's title because I want it similar to this form : Var1_Var2/Var3/Var4_Var5

Var1 => ML

Var2 => MI

Var3 => ML

Var4 => MI

Var5 => DW


How can I do it ? Can you give me the main/best way to do it ?


Thanks in advance for your help.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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