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  • MVP 2023

Hi Nikola,

I might be wrong, but a quick look at this and it appears that you don't have a means for the DT(s) addressing to be renamed sequentially each write.  You should check your current saved writes as I think you will find that the data is changing every 15 minutes, if variations in conditions have occurred.

Also, you may find that it will be better to be referring your 15 minutes to the RTC, instead of a timer.  This way it will let you graph things in a more sensible way for later interpretation.  There are a few ways to do this based around using SI31-35, which can also be incorporated into my first comment.



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  • MVP 2023

Hi again Nikola,

glad it's working.  Your 15 minute timer method works fine, but I always use the RTC for logging that also relates to time, as it gives you a consistent reference point for observations of your logging.  In theory you are logging to look at your data at some stage later on.  So having this relating to a definite time of the day makes things easier to manipulate, and gives a more consistent approach for displaying your data.  It's not a major issue, just a personal preference I have evolved over the years.

There is also the chance of your 15 minute timer gradually shifting it's 1/4 hour relative to the RTC, owing to the way timers work.



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