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U90 Scaling


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I have JZ20-J-T18 Jazz PLC, and U90 Ladder.

I have 2 Analog Inputs that needs to be scaled. I have found a way to scale one of them, using SI 80-85 and my Analog Input (4-20 mA).

Now i need to scale second one, but there is no SI for 2 or more scaling.

My question is how to scale 2 Analog Inputs in U90 Ladder, if possible?
Thankful in advance,

Nikola Ljubinkovic


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  • MVP 2023

As Aus states, you have to do it twice.  SI 80-85 are system operating buffer registers and there's no rule that says you can't refer to them again.  You just have to move Analog input 1 out before you start cranking input 2.  Also, don't hang everything on the rail in one net like that.  Believe it or not, the network may not compile in the same order you placed the functions in and it may not work.  If you chain the functions together in series you are guaranteed solve order.  And activate SB 80 last in a separate network, after you've loaded the registers with the data you want.

Example attached.  The raw input analogs are mapped in the hardware configurator to MI 10 and MI 11, and the scaled outputs are in MI 20 and 21. 

Joe T.  

Two analog input scaling.U90

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