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Short Story: Reading 4-20mA raw number fluctuates as much as 60 points on 12 bit. When I put a milliamp clamp at the wire right into the V200-18-E4XB Snap in I have an absolute steady milliamp reading. Why does the raw value before linearization fluctuate so much with an absolute steady mA.

Long Story

Before I got a milliamp meter I kept changing wire, ultrasonic level sensors, laser level sensors and a milliamp generator to a set value. There have been posts in the past by me as I have been working through this issue of fluctuation. I always assumed it was something other than the PLC. Now I have trouble shooted everything back to the PLC and it is the unit that is creating the fluctuating counts.  I am officially at the Grrr state of trying to solve this. Please help unGrrr me.

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  • MVP 2023

I need one of those 4-20 mA generators! They're too expensive.

I have no experience with the mA generator, but I would assume it would hold a steady reading. If you're still getting fluctuation with that, then maybe there is some kind of hardware problem with the I/O module or a power supply issue. You probably need some input from Unitronics on this.

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  • MVP 2023

Hi Visco,

before you do anything else, you need to do a direct reading on your line, not with a clamp meter.  Clamp is not good enough, even though plenty of people will tell you so.

Just FYI, I had much the same thing with some combo temp/hum/co2 sensors doing a regular fluctuation.  I initially thought it was an induction problem within the shielded line which was about 40m long.  It eventually turned out that each time the co2 system triggered it's read pulse, the entire unit's outputs changed.  The (bigname) manufacturer was most unhelpful even when I proved it to them with videos.  In the end I had to filter it out with a fairly complex algorithm.  Not happy.  To prove the error, I used my mA generator.  They don't have to be expensive, there are many good types available that are well under $50US.  Mine is a bare pcb setup powered by a 9 volt battery and I think it was about $30AU years ago.  It does mA, mV, 0-10, 4-20, blah blah blah everything under the sun.  It's a little cumbersome to use but works great and is rock steady.

Try a direct read and pls report back.

PS Joe, sorry...beat you to it!!



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  • MVP 2023

That's great Visco....sort of!  It will be good to know if the replacement does the same thing...hopefully not.

Sadly for me, my nature is to find the reason/solution when I encounter a large Grrr, even if it is relatively small in the scheme of things.  Curiousity only killed the cat.....so as long as the human is careful it is ok!

Very glad you are unGrrrrd for now.



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  • MVP 2023

You did a good job troubleshooting by taking a lot of readings to verify the problem was not in the signal.  The only additional thing I would have done was put an oscilloscope on the input terminal to see if there was any noise.  Swapping in  a different PLC was then the next logical thing to try.

The A/D converter on your module has become flaky.  But you already know that :)


Joe T.

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